30g starts! OMG YES!!! pics inside!


nope not yet! was gonna get 2 clowns but i found these corals so bought them instead and i also got a POM POM CRAB ! he is so sweet! so fish will be next week!

d0 thy d3w

Originally Posted by Brewski4u1
hey on a side note i'm a mechanic and when we run out of the cleaning soultion we use coke to clean battery terminals! yea drink up boys!! coke cuts battery acid ! and your guts!! lol !

thread jacking i know..but what exactly do u do with batteries?? my dad owns a company that sells forklift batteries.


Tank looks great. I remember the feeling of setting up my tank. I moved everything around all the time never being happy. Obviously just a suggestion, and by no means take it critically. If that were my tank, I would try to pull the centrer base rock away from the back wohich could pull the sides in away from the glass and add a larger swimming area for the fish eventually. Propping rocks against the back wall of your tank is far better than against the sides, adn it allows the sides to be good room for smaller corals like star polyps, zoos, and even mushrooms to grow onto. If you are having trouble with the rocks not staying where you want, you can get epoxy that quicksets underwater and use it to place the rocks how you want. I too, would stop adding things (super hard I know) and just let the tank mature without much livestock. Forget turbo snails, get nassarius. They will eat everything adn more than turbos. Forget the hermits too. They willeat your copepod population as well. Your tank will stabilize with frequent water changes, and the threat of unwanted algaes will dwindle with just nassarius as well as stabilize. Flow can be created by adding a small power head, probably 100 to 200 gph on an opposite side of your tank than the inlet. It will also help the biological filtration multiply adn make the parts of your tank that are still mobile and elliminate the the growth of unwanted algae.
Good luck and keep up the good work. And the pics



Active Member
Originally Posted by Brewski4u1
nope not yet! was gonna get 2 clowns but i found these corals so bought them instead and i also got a POM POM CRAB ! he is so sweet! so fish will be next week!
Brusky, how much was the monti frag? I have a bunch that size and wonder what to expect on a trade in?


ah monti was like 25! on another note tank is very happy! havent looked or done much just got home ! spent 15hours on a boat ! sunburnt got 30 dolphin caught our limit !!! a couple were 25lbs plus !! god i love south florida!
this weekend 2 clowns will be bought! and plenty of pics! o yea purple up makes my coral very happy! na i have had a lot of beer !!!!

ps after i posted this i saw it was page 3!!!! and i'm drunk! o hell yea for page 3 ! and lots of Mahi mahi!!!


I read earlier where you were having noise problems and someone responded with a mod. I have a Skilter 400 on my 30 and I also couldn’t stand the noise. I made the mod the other person wrote about, but I didn’t go through the collection cup. I went beside the intake tube with a hose and drilled a hole in the skimmer tower (about an inch from the bottom of the tower) just big enough for an air stone stem, put the air stone on the inside and push an airline onto the stem on the outside. That will hold the air stone in place also. The air stone should be changed about every month because of corrosion. The line that comes with the Skilter just needs to be closed up to eliminate the noise. I also have an adjustment valve on the airline. Use a pretty decent air pump to feed the stone and adjust the valve to get the right froth (bubbles) at the collection cup. I’ve been satisfied with mine after doing the mod.


it is once again time for a water change! hope it goes smothly this will be my second one and first one w/ corals in the tank! i dont think there going to be very habby i'll let you know how it goes!
well water cange went well all corals seem to still be happy!

i'll give it a hour or so and test salinity it was a little low still so i didnt top off for th last 2 days nd just toped off w/ sw so we will see!
5 gallons out 5 gallons in a sucess! this weekend 2 fish and i'm done for a while!
o yea i also stared dosing my tank w/ purple up and the corals seem to be very happy w/ it!


30 mahi mahi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NICE! my friend owns a boat and his dad runs a fishing guide thing...nice job! got ne pics?


just did my water test! and everything is great!
temp 81
salinity 1.024
ammonia 0
nitrite 0
nitrate 0
just did a 5 gallon water change yesterday!
yeah!!! tomm i will be gettin 2 clowns! they will be my fisrt fish and who else knows when i migth come home w/ ! lol
:jumping: :cheer:


so i got 2 perculas and 5 turbo snails and 8 nass snails! and let me tell you those turbo snails are machines! OMG well here are some new pics! i almost got a sick neon red and green open brain instead of the fish and snails o well next time!
take a look and comment!
alge is under control now and same w/ water clarity issues!
ok first here is my frog spawn! i spot fed him today man was he happy! lol

and here are the new kids! there so cute! i love them!

and here is the full tank shot! looking nice and clear now ! you can see how small these guys are! and that is there corner for now! from what i have ready they will live there for a while ! o well! hopefully not!


Active Member
brown alage is part of the cycle at this point i bought a cleaner crew hermits and snails the crabs go to work the second you put them in they dont mess around also does a hydrometer show a lower or a higher salinity reading


Active Member
"from what i have ready they will live there for a while ! o well! hopefully not! "
Don't believe everything you read. Mine did the same thing in my 125, I was thinking great, they have all this room and they stick to one corner. Well, it only lasted for one day now they swim all over the place. The larger one loves to do laps, lol.


the monti~~~~~ no it was not a hitch hiker ! i wish that would be awsome! i got that from member on here for 25 what a deal! thats where i got all my corals from and they are doing amazing! the Octi frogspawn has almost doubled in the last week and shroom is looking very good as well!
as for hiding in corner commnet~~~~~ all i can say is i hope i'm as lucky as you that would be totaly awsome! but as i look in now there still chillin in the corner! lol o well!


just an update the clowns are doing great they have left the corner and are now in the oppsite corner! lol o well there taking there time checking things out! i saw one of them check out my frogspawn a few times so who knows!
my question is what do i get next lol i'll have about a 100 bucks to spend in 2 weeks! if they have one i will be gettin a yellow watchman goby ! but if not what do you guys think ? coral? fish?
stock list as of now!

2 percual clowns
13 blue legs hermits( 2 died due to fighting lol)
12 nassurass snails
5 turbo snails
3 head frogspawn
1 toadstool leather
1 monti cap


took about 100 trys to get this little guy! no flash! and my dive light! i win! i rule got him at like 2am its a high out put LED so i dont think anybody in the tank was bothered


new stock list as of today!
i picked a great day to hit up the LFS they got allthere coral and fish a few days early and didnt have room for them yet so everything was on salE !
so i picked up a
1 firefish golby
1 orange spotted golby
1 emeralad crab
1 open brain !( neaon green an red)
pics will come soon no light keeping stress level down!
so do you think i'm maxed out on fish or can i do 1 or 2 more??


ok so new pics will be up tomm !! i had my first death! my orangespotted goby went carpet surfiing :( well went out today and got a 2 spot golby to replace him! hes sooo tiny hopfully he will to well i also got another small fragspawn!
so my firefish is doing awsome my brain is super happy as well as my 2 clowns !!