30gall -to small for reef???


New Member
A few questions:-
Is a 30 gallon too small for reef?
In a country like mine-Asia Pacific
(all summer) would all round 80F temp
in the tankl too hot for reef?
If our LFS do not stock clean up crew
will it make sense to have DSB. BTW
they don't have live sand either. will
seeding from old tank (Crushed coral)
help to "liven" the new sand bed?
Anyone who has simlar experience, pl help!!


i'm so suprise that Malaysia, especialy in Kuala Lumpur does not have any live sand and clean up crew, that's odd, or take a trip to the beach, to see what you can find, i'm sure you will find something useful.
I heard that in Philippin and Malaysia, hermit crabs craw on the beach alot
but as 30G tank, yes it can be a reef tank, other called mini reef, micro reef etc..
and 80F constantly is not a problem
I have seen few tanks with the temp of 79-81 F
let's us know what you find out


I could only answer 1 of your q's. a 30 gallon is not to small for a reef! i've seen 5-6 gallon reefs.


I'm in a 20g and 5g reef with no problems...Good luck with the clean-up crew. Try to get one online, shipping may cost you, but it'll be well worth it. Yes seeding the DSB with live CC from another tank will help, but don't forget the live rock!! ;)


New Member
Thanks for replying. "hermit crabs do
crawl in Malaysian beaches" ..but
read somewhere that we shd be careful
putting live rock, sand etc straight into our
acquarium...could pollute the tank it seems!
Funny..doesn't the LFS stock come from the
beaches as well?
Anywany glad to hear that constant 80F tank
shouldn't pose a problem to reef.My LFS told me
that I MUST get a chiller if I want a reef! -
Must be trying to rob me!
Shd I try mushroom- what do you feed them?
Again, thanks


In a small reef setup, just pay attention to the parameters more frequently. Small changes amount to a bigger percentage than in a larger tank. HTH


no it isnt too small for a reef...but IMO you sound new to the hobby, and although 30 gallons isnt impossible you would do better to start with a bit larger tank...say...55 gallons for a reef, its a bit easier to maintain water conditions and in the end may actuallly save you money bc you wont loose as much stuff--jake


Mushroom are filter feeders will thrives with additions of Iodine and trace elements.
Normal light output and low-med current flow will do the job.
For about Hermit crabs
I do not know what kind of desease they can transfer from the wild to the aquarium, I have not see and heard anything about quarantine hermit crabs. If I was you, i just go collect some hermit crabs from the beach, wash them with sea water and add them to the aquarium.


how big is your store?
how long is it take to set it all up?
and most importantly, what is the startup cost?


New Member
I'll be planning a trip down the beach
and harvest those crawlies!
One last silly question-
Do I need to airstone them for the
whole journey- 2hr drive!


If I could just add my humble opinion, no, 30 gallons is not too small for a reef, I'm a fairly new beginner, and have had no significant problems with a 29 gallon. The only thing you may want to think about is that though it's fairly consistently 80 degrees that any pumps and your lighting will add more heat. I mean it's consistently 70 in our house and I can't get my water never falls below 80 even with the heater off because of the lights that I have. So just something to think about, you may want to be very careful what kind of lighting you get and how close you hang it to your tank if you don't have air conditioning or plan on buying a chiller.
Just something to think about imho.


no, you don't need air stone for 2 hrs trip
I don't think they need sea water for 2 hr either.
I often ordered online on cleaning crews for myself and friends. All hermits crab are baged with out sea water and ofcourse they shiped over night. And they are fine.
Good luck


Is a 30 gallon too small for reef?<hr></blockquote>
No. My last one was a 30 long.
In a country like mine-Asia Pacific
(all summer) would all round 80F temp
in the tankl too hot for reef?<hr></blockquote>
Is that with aquarium lights on?
Either way, it is pushing it, I would look at DIY chillers.
If our LFS do not stock clean up crew
will it make sense to have DSB. BTW
they don't have live sand either. will
seeding from old tank (Crushed coral)
help to "liven" the new sand bed?<hr></blockquote>
Clean up crew-
Look online for some companies that sell this stuff maybe they will ship it to you. Try this site, or ISPF come to mind.
Seeding will help, esp. if you don't get clean up crews. Make sure you know the history of the tank you get it from. If it was recently medicated, etc.. it may be more trouble than it is worth. If you seed with CC, I would shove it in some plain panty hose first so you can remove it easier later.


I'm too originate from Asia area, it's hot and humit all year long.
if you ever thinking about add a chiller
If you willing to spend few $$$ to cool the tank why not try to cool the house/room that host the tank so human and aquarium are cool togerther.
add the Air conditioner in the room instead. <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" />
a chiller would hurt if i were in ur position i would do all my liuvestock shopping on the beach and off shore im sure u have a couple reefs around there.


Joes reefer, do you have any idea how much a chiller is!?!?!?!?!?! i woulnt recommend shopping at the beach for:
1) they might have a desease that will infect your whole tank.
2) its crual.
3) its illigal(sp?) well, at lest where i live. and the chillers usually run for 300-1000 dollars!
i go colecting at catlina that where i got my whole cleaning crew of course i quarantined them for a month and slowly bump up the temp and their great.Mr, bubble dont speak unless spoken to.
<img src="graemlins//silly.gif" border="0" alt="[silly]" />


I go to the beach and get all the snails and hermit crabs I need I usually acclimate them and put them in the tank.I know fish are different because they could be carrying parasites and you should quarantine them.Does this also apply to inverts?Can they carry anything harmful to the tank?If not what are the reasons for quarantine and how long?I have a 15 gallon mini reef and I love it.I'll get another 55 again when we buy the house I don't feel like tearing one down again but a 55 is a great tank to start out with.