32 gal reef



i am planning out right now which fish i want to put into my 32 gal acrylic and was wondering what a good rule of thumb to go by is for max fish to put in it? i do plan on having plenty of enemones and what not, so i dont want the fish to overcrowd it. heres what i have on my list so far: 1 royal gramma, mated pair of percs, yellow watchman goby (w/pistol shrimp), purple firefish, 1 yellow asessor, and 2 neon gobies. is this too many fish for my 32 reef?


I'd only recommend you add 4, possibly 5 fish max. IT also depends on how your water quality is and you filteration. Could you list both? All of those fish stay rather small and non-agressive, but as stated before, lower you fish amount...
Also if you plan on adding ANEMONES I'd advise you to read up on these and see why NOT to get one...:cool:
You might want to rethink your plan on anemones because they are truly an expert-only species. They require excellent water quality and intense lighting. With your plan on anemones I suggest sticking to just the clowns. That will keep your water quality good and they wont become lunch when an anemone decides to go walkabout.
Even without the anemones 4 maybe 5 would be your best bet. Saltwater isnt like freshwater. For a new tank, no-more than 1 fish per 6 gallons is the basic rule of thumb. That changes depending on the species of fish involved but for the most part its pretty accurate.
Do some research on anemones and you will see why most of us dont even bother wasting the money on them. At least wait a year for your water to settle, the first cycle is not the end of things.


INstead of anenomes........u can get a leather coral that will also host the clownfish go to garf.com and reasearch the clowns symposy with this coral


thanks for the rule of thumb (1 inch of fish for every 6gal) cause the only rule i knew was 1 inch for every gal! this is because ive been doing freshwater for a while now and that was the rule there......but i guess i am still confused as to what an anemone is. for some reason i keep getting all the corals, polyps, anemones, etc mixed up even though i have been reading about them for a while now. heres some of the "plants" i was looking at to add to my reef when its established: condy (haitan pink-tipped), pulsing xenia, daisy polyps, elegance coral, mushroom coral, yellow colony polyp, bubble tip, red anemone, blue maxima clam. obviously i wasnt looking to add all of these but they were just a starting point for me and i will do my research on them before i add them, i always do! i just want some sort of list to start from instead of researching every coral in existence. let me know which ones are easier to care for then others. by the way i thought that anemones were the host for clownfish? incase your wondering i just bought my lighting and its a 175 watt metal halide with 2- 75 watt actinics. i did my research on the lighting :)