34 gallon all in one aquarium


hey guys, i have a 75 gallon reef tank, and i love it, but being a full time student who also works 30 hours a week and has a dog that pulls priority makes it hard for me to find time to maintain it as well as i would like to. i have been thinking of switching to a smaller tank. today at the pet store they got in these red sea, 34 gallon tanks that have everything included - tank, hood, lights, skimmer, filter, powerheads, heater... everything. i already have fish coral and rock so buying it would be the only expense if i do decide to switch to it. i dont know the model number or anything like that, i can post it later tonight. if you have any experience with what i am describing please let me know, i need to know if it is a good product or not. THANK YOU!


I'm thinking the maintenance won't change very much, maybe even increase a little.
The cost of maintenance may be lower due to less salt and cheaper light bulbs, but it sounds like time your trying to save and in my humble opinion it wont save much.


thank you peef - thats how i feel about them too, i just want a little more info before i buy
fishman - you may be right, thank you for your honesty. there are, though, other reasons i am considering this. for one, my lease is up in a couple months and i am moving to a smaller place, so the smaller tank would be better for a couple reasons. there are other reasons but thats another conversation. i have pretty much made my mind up about making the switch and now am looking for product info. if you have any i would love to hear it.
anyone else?