36 out of 40 are dead


Active Member
i have posted earlier this week on this, but got a final count of "living" scarlet hermits ordered from here. thats right only 4!! SWF wants me to take out the dead and send them back, LOL, like i could find them all. very frustrating, and the algae is just growing and growing and growing!
just venting, thanks for listening


I feel your pain i lost tons of hermits about half a year ago and i really could use them right about now. It was my fault though....what kind of algae growth are you experiencing?


Active Member
well, the tank is 3 weeks old and i'd say i have just about any kind of algae possible, green, red, blue, feathery, halimedia (spelling) its getting very over grown, also those little white things about the size of a pencil eraser but flat and on a stem (not so sure what that is)


I received 10 red and 10 blue hermits from SWF on tuesday.
All the red ones dead and today i only saw 3 blue ones alive.
All tank conditions are perfect.I think bad batch of hermits.
When did you receive yours?


Active Member
i also recieved mine on tuesday
my 7-8 out of 10 astrea snails are still alive and 2 of 3 peppermint shrimp are alive, but the 3rd could be hiding


Active Member
How did each of you acclimate them?
Also, a three week old tank is more than likely still cycling . . .
That and shipping past halloween is risky buisness. It gets REAL cold in cargo holds on a plane . . . .


Active Member
acclimated properly
i am in fla so the temp should not matter
also they were doing very well the first day and started dying off after that, little by little
water params were fine


Active Member
Perhaps you have an unseen predator . . . for instance, i have a ployclad flatworm in my tank that eats any snail that i put into the tank. I would rage at the LFS until I found the thing, still can get it out though.
Check your tank a good time after the lights go out for anything suspicious.
Also, define what you mean by "fine" water parameters.


I electrocuted all my blue leg hermits. I had a couple dozen and only a few lived. I look back on it now and laugh but it was a stupid move. Like i said i could use them now to clean my rocks from my aggressive tanks. Check your phosphates and cut down on your lighting until you get your clean up crew back into action.
You can increase water circulation to help battle red slime(cyanobacteria).


Active Member
what does this worm look like? i know i have a briste worm in there
when i say the params were "fine" means i dont have my book with me but everything checked out within normal params when i last checked it on wednesday, i usually check on sat/sun and tomorrow (sun) will be the big day for the next test


Active Member
Looks nothing like a bristle . . . more like a sheet of paper with spots. Typically grey in color with white spots. Anwhere from 2-3 inches wide to 4-5 inches long or so. It sounds big but the problem is that its so thin it can practially disappear into a pin hole. It slithers . . .


Active Member
actually i am disabled and dont drive myself and the closest LFS is about 45 min+ so i was hopeful!!!


Active Member
BTW, just scoped out the tank and saw 3 pretty large bristle worms, these are ok right? i was under the assumption they were beneficial

Originally posted by RussianSpy
I don't trust any online fish place
No matter what they provide mailing is unsafe unless the closes fish store is farther then mailing

I trust swf.com they have NEVER done me wrong.


Active Member
good for you russia, maybe it was a bad batch that went out. i never said i wouldnt try them again. :)
just a bad experience the first time :(


"I don't trust any online fish place"
I order everything (except frozen food) online
I like the guarantees and I figure if it was shipped half way across the world to a wholesaler I guess it can be shipped to me.
SWF.com has sent me hi quality stuff. I did a clean up crew package in the beginning, 30 of this, 10 of that. I have 2 emeralds, 4 scarlets and 4 snails left. Everything else died or was killed. It all balenced out over a year. Except for that darn red algea !

tony detroit

Active Member

Originally posted by CindySki
well, the tank is 3 weeks

You'd be surprised how much they need eat. That's probably your problem. I made the same mistake as well.



Originally posted by Phil1964
"I don't trust any online fish place"
Except for that darn red algea !

I now have as many powerheads as fish + the recommended fighting conch,did the water changes have lots of chaeto algae..after two trials with Chemi-clean and it coming back..I finally splurged($27.00) for a one dose bottle of red algae remover.It's been less than 5 hrs. and things are looking good:)
Then again,they did with the chemi-clean at first too:rolleyes:
Oh well, I'm gonna hope for the best!!