37 gal. reef safe Angelfish?


I am starting to create a fish stock list for my reef tank that will be done cycling in a few weeks.
I really like the look of Angels, but only have a 37 gallon. What, if any, types of dwarfs will do well in a 37 reef tank?
My lighting is:
1 - 250w Double Ended HQI MH
2 - 65w Actinic compact fluo.
So there will be some higher demanding corals, clams, anemonies.
Thanks a lot and looking to hear some good ideas!


Active Member
angels of any kind r not considered reef safe as they tend to munch coral. dwarf angels have a higher success rate in reefs but do end up eventually being coral pickers


Active Member
The only Angel I would trust in most reefs would be the genicanthus angels. They are the only reef safe angels from what I have read. Example: Swallowtail, watanabe, lamarks...


Active Member
Originally Posted by kpk
The only Angel I would trust in most reefs would be the genicanthus angels. They are the only reef safe angels from what I have read. Example: Swallowtail, watanabe, lamarks...
prob is none of those will fit in a 37


Active Member
Originally Posted by costa13
no angel can ever be reef safe for sure.
no, the ones kpk mentioned r, just they dont fit in a 37gal


Active Member
Originally Posted by flamesofifreet
A coral beauty? I can't see that picking at too much if anything.
theyre bettr than flames at picking but r still pickers


Active Member
Whoops should have taken tang size into account sorry about that, absolutely right Shark. I think Seattle has a point in that they won't pick much and if they did I don't see them doing much damage, but I also don't have any first hand experience...