37 gallon aquarium Help!



This is my first saltwater fish tank so i need help with my 37 gallon aquarium, i set up the tank with live sand and have about 7 pounds of live rock so far (and plan to get more-what is the least amount i should get?) ,i have one yellow tail blue damsel fish with 5 turbo snails, 4 blue legged hermit crab, aswell as another type of Crab but im not sure of the name. Recently my nitrite levels have been high and i dont know what to do , i did a water change and no change in the nitrite level occured, i have no powerheads should i get and will they help? and my filter is a Aqueon Aquarium Power Filter 30 should i upgrade ??? please helpp


How long has it been set up? I doubt you should have anything live in it yet
the filter is for a 30G and you have a 37G...YES you need a bigger one....at least one rated double the aquarium size. You need at least 37lbs of Live rock....add it now...and get a test kit....
Have you read about a new tank and it's cycle? If not....You need to read the top threads in the new hobbyist section
start there


i have read on a new tank and its cycle in the new hobbyist section, it helped out with some unanswered questions thank you! and my tank has been setup for a month, would a penguin marineland filter 350 be better? --i had bought a kit and the aquoen 30 is the one that came with it so i assumed it would be enough
, i plan on buying the live rock as soon as possible and i bought a test kit to test for nitrate, nitrite, ph, alkalinity and more, should i also buy powerheads? i plan only to have a fowlr aquarium, thank you!!!!!!!


Yes the Penguin 350 would be ok....I have something similar ..minus the bio wheels..on my 29G
the test kit you have is fine for now, and YES you should get powerheads.....I would get at least 2...look at the Koralia #1's.....one for each side so the flow will circulate around the tank....
I would get all the rock before you plan on adding fish though


okay thank you , i plan on purchasing the penquin 350 as soon as possible , if not that one would you have other suggestions? and after purchasing the live rock and powerheads would the nitrite level in my fish tank go lower?


If you read about cycling you would know that...LOL.....jokin with you
as your tank goes thru the initial cycle, the ammonia and nitrite will eventually go to 0.....too late to get into details....
use the filter you have for now....but remember....don;t add anything else live until you get the rest of your rock...and after your initial cycle all levels must be at 0......read more of the new hobbyist threads
sorry too late for me :)