375 gal. suggestions please



Bin in the hobbie for about 4 years always had a 75g tank i just purchased a 375g tank.Id like some suggestions here as far as turn over ratio,it will have 10 holes drilled for a closed loop circ.,filtration ,gph,skimmer,fuge size sump size etc...any suggestion apreciated hopefully if possible from some other big tank owners..Basically starting from scratch here.I have all of my equipment from my 75 but dont think most of it will do much to a 375


Active Member
This sounds like a job for Squid.
He'll start by asking your goal flow. In a reef, 20 to 30 times is a good turnover rate.
(THat's a whole lot a water movement.) WHat are the dimensions of the main tank?
What is the biggest sump/fuge you can fit under there? That size tank will be ultra cool!
Lighting is gonna be murder for coral.
I'm not much help but here is a link to get started on:


oh yes squidd is what i was trolling for..you out the squiddy?Any help would be greatly appreciated ....


tank is 96x30x30....will be a reef tank an why you say lighting will be tough? iam gonna have 4 or 5 250w halides an some vho antics... i think it will be fine...your suggestion?I will have a huge are behind tank was going to use my old 75 for a fuge an need to get a sump not sure what size that why we need squidd..you say 20-30 times turn over an hour?so if its 375g it be 2275 gph?correct?thats not too bad..just not sure how to go about doing it ..like turn over through my closed loop an my overflows combined?


Active Member
Read "lighting BILL" will be murder!!
20 * 375g = 7500 gph
You want as much of this as you can get to go through the sump. The rest can be from power heads or closed loop-better yet. Squid may say something like "Fuge should be 1/3 to 1/2 of tank for malnutrient removal". Although, any fuge will benefit. Get the biggest sump and fuge as you can fit.
WOW 180 gallons would be awesome!


I think you may need to change those 250w to 400w X4. 30" is a deep tank. anything over 24" you should us 400 Watter's...
Just my $.02 :thinking:


Active Member
Originally Posted by Farmboy
Read "lighting BILL" will be murder!!
20 * 375g = 7500 gph
You want as much of this as you can get to go through the sump. The rest can be from power heads or closed loop-better yet. Squid may say something like "Fuge should be 1/3 to 1/2 of tank for malnutrient removal". Although, any fuge will benefit. Get the biggest sump and fuge as you can fit.
WOW 180 gallons would be awesome!
Farmboy are you saying to try to push 7500 gph through the sump????


Active Member
If ya had a big enough sump, yeah.
Otherwise i think it would look like a washing machine!!
Where's Squid when you need him??


Active Member
I agree that you want to put as much flow as reasonably possible into the tank, but with most of it created through powerheads or closed loops. You don't need to put any more flow through your sump than your skimmer, heater, chiller, etc. can handle; otherwise, you would be cheating that equipment's effectiveness.
For example, I only run 1,100gph through the sump on my 300g reef (the skimmer only processes 800gph or so, but the heater and chiller seem to work well with this amount of flow). If I crank it up any more, I start to have microbubble problems, and the skimmer doesn't seem to pull as much gunk out of the water. The rest of my water movement comes courtesy of a Tunze Wavebox and a closed loop run with a pressure-rated pump and eductors.
I would highly suggest looking at eductors to enhance your water movement. They are great for large tanks and only run about $25 a piece. Paired with an appropriate pump, an eductor can increase in-tank flow by 4-5x's!
I also agree with the 400W suggestion for lighting. 3x400W over my tank (92"L x 30"W x 24"H) light it up very well. I use PFO M59 magnetic ballasts, but plan to switch to Coralvue electronic ballasts once finances permit. The Coralvue ballasts only use slightly more than 3A a piece, as opposed to the 4.5-5A that M59 ballasts use, or the close to 4A that 250W HQI magnetic ballasts use, and still allow the 400W bulbs to put out great PAR values.


Active Member
Yep, Robchucks got the right idea...
At the flow levels you will want to (need to) push in a tank this size, most of it will need to come from supplemental devices (closed loop/ high flow Tunze's or the like) and a smaller percentage through the sump/fuge...
How much through each will depend on the sizinfg of the overflows and volume of sump and fuge...
Again as -- stated, you don't want or need more than the filtration equipment can process, but a larger sump/fuge will gracefully handle more than a small one...(this is where the "math" comes in and everyone 's eyes start to cross...:D )
Turnover and movement for filtration is one part of the equation and turnover and movement for the inhabitanta is a "seperate" and complementary issue...
10 holes for a Closed loop, (already drilled...??) be interesting to see your layout...
edit: see you still in planning stage...ALWAYS GOOD to plan BEFORE drilling...
I like (suggest) a combination of linear and random flow for "purposeful" movement...rather than compleatly chaotic flow...
In an 8' tank you'll want to run a volume of water for a "period' of time prior to switching direction, in order to get any real "movement"... Anything you can do to increase "volume" of flow (larger diameter piping, High flow pump, or the venturi effect of eductors) will help...


Ok squidd..thanks for helping out...Just a very large tank an wanna do it right...the tank is being made for me as we speak ..Will arrive in 2 weeks now..my overflows, there will be 2 one in each corner with 2" drilled holes.as far a closed loop there will be 10 holes throughout the back an 2 underneath......"I like (suggest) a combination of linear and random flow for "purposeful" movement...rather than compleatly chaotic flow........."Not sure what you mean by this? So just give me your straight up opinion here as if you just bought your new 375 gallon tank.As far as sump size,fuge size,gph going through ClosedLoop,gph going through sump,gph through fuge,etc.and any things else you think of.Again i greatly appreciate it..Ive had a 75g for many years an did great with it.Just moving up quit a bit here an dont wanna miss anything the first time.


Active Member
Well....If it were "my" tank... :thinking:...
I whould have two 1 1/2" overflow bulkheads..one in each overflow...
Then two 2" C/L intakes and Eight 1 1/2" bolkheads for C/L outputs...
If your hole sizes are different, let me know and I'll adjust "my" thinking...


Active Member
Hey acrylic,
I guess my thinking was a bit OFF. I know you want as big a sump/fuge as you can get. The max flow to/from one would be very limited by the overflows. Nothing says your sump/fuge can't be much larger than the main tank. 7500 gph is pretty far fetched unless you go really BIG!


Active Member
I wasn't questioning fuge/sump size just when you said you want all that going through your sump!!!!!! My sump for my new setup is 72"x24"x24" and still would like a bigger sump


Active Member
At first you think yeah-get as much flow as possible through your sump but -- makes a lot of sense. More than your filtration will handle seems like overkill even if you had a big enough sump.
Maybe a Bang Guy-type LAGOON project? 7500gph/900gallons = 8times turnover :D
Do you have a basement??
Gosh these seem like unreal flows!!


Active Member
Nope taking over garage and turning it into dedicated fishroom with it's own filter room.... Was originally going in the family room downstairs but, a couple oversights on my part brought that to an abrupt halt!!!!!!


Active Member
I'm still jealous of folks with their own fish rooms!
No fish room in the near future for me.
However, my wife thinks we need a bigger tank. (I really LOVE her!)
I've got the room for a tank as big as DBOY999 is talking about here, so I watch this thread with great interest.
Then again, by the time you add the weight of the sump/fuge to the 375 gallons, I may have to do some bracing to my sub floor!!!