38 g equipment list


Hey guys I am about to start my tank and bought most of my stuff, here's the list and tell me what else I would need.
38 G Tank
36" Orbit Compact Fluorescent Lunar Lights
150 W Visi-Therm Stealth Heater
40 lbs Live Sand
Instant Ocean Hydrometer
Fluval Multi-Stage Filters MSF 204
I know I still need
R.O water
Live rock 38 lbs
Test Kit
Am I forgetting anything? ( other than fish smart ass) :p


I would go ahead an buy a refractometer rather than a hydrometer. They are much more accurate and most account for temperature.
You also need powerheads to get an even temperature distribution throughout your tank. There's some formula to see what rating and how many powerheads you need. You can find it on a past thread.
Also buckets and rubermaid containers.


Do you want to skim when you get your corals in? Also, as for your lights, they may be adequate for some of the soft corals, but you'll want some serious output for SPS corals or tridacnids. Metal halides might be best for those. What is the output of your current light system?


My lights, I'll just show you everything the site told me
36", 192 ( 2-96 watts), 3 lunar lights,
* Professional grade 24-hour compact fluorescent light system
* Compact fluorescent lighting fixture with integrated Lunar Lights
* Includes SunPaq Dual Daylight (6700°K/10000°K) and Dual Actinic (420 nm and 460 nm) bulbs
* Three independent power cords for convenient timer operation
Plus, Are lunar lights okay? The ones that shift from day-time mode to night-time mode?
How many powerheads do I need?
And I plan to get a protein skimmer when I get coral, but I hear thats not a necessity right away?
p.s how many fish do you guys think I could put in? ( I am thinking 2 percula clowns, some types of gobies, maybe a dwarf flame angel?)


Your lights will be adequate for most soft corals. Also, you're right in that you don't need to skim right away. No one can tell what bioload your aquarium can sustain, other than your, by studious water testing and tracking. Still, remember that the nitrogen cycle takes weeks to normalize from a boost in nitrogen. Similarly, you should space the addition of new fish by at least that much. Sounds like you're off to a great start!


Thank you for your replies Talath ^_^
Furthur questions for anyone:
How many power heads?
How many fish? ( Like I said I am thinking of 2 percula clowns, some sort of gobies or wrasse, and hopefully a dwarf flame angel)
other live stock: Shrimp, crabs, snails ( although i hear I need to be careful with the angel and invertibres)


I have a 40gallon and I run 2 maxi-jet 900 powerheads. Those four fish should be good. I have 6 fish in mine but I also run a sump/refugium. That gives me more water volume and filtration to support all of those fish.


I'm not sure about the powerheads, but as for fish I might be able to help. What kind of wrasse? Most get too large for your tank. A six-line wrasse would work, but you have to monitor them w/ hermits and snails. A dwarf angel would work, but be wary that some are not reef safe (it is a hit-and-miss). If I had that tank I would go with:
pair of percs.
Dwarf Angel
clown goby or other small goby
your inverts look fine
hope this helps.


I was look at the Labouts Fairy Wrasse or a Filamented Flasher Wrasse
on the website I was looking at said the minimum tank size for them is 30 g and that they are reef safe. They could be wrong I guess. :)