38 Gal Refugium I made!


:joy: This is my first one I ever tried... I have a couple of things I need to tweek but it's should work pretty good for my 120.


Active Member
Looks great!
Most people on these boards don't like bioballs in thier marine setups... but, hey, if it works :D


nice....considering adding any macros (grape, caulpra) it may take a little (couple of months) but you will start to notice the benefits of the fuge....
what do you have for lighting?


i just have a little 20w light on it right now... as soon as i finish getting the stuff out of my 29 gal i'm going to put my 130w coralite light on it!:jumping:


Active Member
Ya, expecially with those lights I'd run grow some macro's. They will help actually reduce your nitrates as you harvest them. The bioballs tend not only to store bacteria, but also store nitrates.


People are way too uptight with bioballs, they are cleanable ya know, very easy to do too. MAYBE once a year, and its still not much of a problem anyway. Now, that is a GREAT looking fuge, i like the way the bio chamber flows straight down into growing area, and then it just overflows the side. Nice work there. With a strong light, ull have macro growing in no time!


Can someone help me figure out how to start a sump/fuge outta a 10g tank....for my 35g that i am gonna set up


Thank you all for your replies.....
As for helping with a 10 gal fuge!?! Just come up with an idea and run with it... all I did was measure the inside of my tank "from front to back" and then measured how much of a dump I wanted for my Bio Balls...
Took the measurements to Grangier Glass, or any place that fixes windows, and gave them the measurements and they cut it for me.... (Plexiglass)
Stopped by a hardware store and bought a small torch {about $20} So I could heat and bend my angle for the dump.. Drilled holes... caulked it and there you go!!!!:cheer: easy as that