ok. i spent all day working on my 38 gallon. wow, what a mess. hair algae everywhere. i moved around 30 lbs of lr to my mom's tank (55 g) and i also moved my maroon clown and my two yellow and purple damsels (don't know the exact names, sorry). i was left with a bottom of white rock. i was forced to get white gravel instead of some sand that i wanted. i hate that white rock. it doesn't make it look good at all IMO. sand would make it look alot better. so after alot of cleaning the 38 gallon looks brand new. no water. no rock. just an underground filter thing, hang-on filter, and a heater. im going to get some glass hoods and some arganite (spelling?) sand tomorrow (hopefully). i was wondering if when i put water in tomorrow, do i put the sand in first then the water, or do i put the water in first then the sand? ill hopefully post some pics later on as soon as my friend brings over his digi tomorrow.