384 watts


What corals can be kept in a 46 gallon tank with 2-96 watt 10000k bulbs and 2-96 watt actinics for a grand total of 384 watts of pc lighting?


Active Member
i still wouldnt try high light clams like maximas or crocea but the lower light clams should be good and about the sps... not sure ive never tried to keep them with pc but i would say they should do fine as long as the water is top notch and they have the strong alternating flow which they prefer


this is the same type of light a very trusted lfs runs on their tank that they sell corals and he said he was able to keep all types of corals except for sps corals. But he did say he was able to keep clams as long as he put them on the rocks. Is this true?


Clams and sps are going to need much more intense lighting than that to thrive. You may be able to keep a clam short term, but for it's long term health you are going to need more intense lighting. As far as sps, you may find a monti digi or cap that might do ok, but that is all.


Active Member
Thats not even anything compares to metal halide, which is required by clams and anemones, as well as SPS. You may be able to keep those with t-5 in that tank too.


Active Member
id say u might be good with the clams... some lower light montis would be ok too i think
but deffinately all kinds of sofites and LPS....
u could try a frag of sps but i dont know how it would do under those lights they just seem to need MH to survive long term