
I have a 39g cube with just a lionfish, pencil urchin, and CC star right now and about 40-45lbs LR and 25-30lbs LS. I'd like to get two more fish and I was thinking a ghost eel once I get the lid completely sealed and maybe a leaf scorpion? It's either a leaf scorpion, yellow stripe maroon clown, or a marine betta. I have a coralife 65 skimmer so I'm not worried about messy eaters destroying the tank, this skimmer is great. And I'd like at least one more urchin and maybe some other kind of invert that won't be looked at as food. What do you think?


What are your tank dimensions? My guess is that once your lion is full grown, it will fill out that tank. An eel might be fine, but definitely not a marine betta. This is a grouper that gets too large when combined with a lion for a 39 gal tank. Urchins ROCK. You could definitely get another urchin.Not familiar with leaf scorpions, but I think any other medium to large fish might be too much. Anyway, just my two cents. Good Luck.


Oh sorry my lionfish is a fuzzy dwarf so taking up the tank won't be an issue :p On another site they say that leaf scorpions need a minimum tank size of 30 (like the fuzzy dwarf), they get up to about 4" and are semi-aggressive/venomous but "Tank mates should be passive fish including other Leaf Fish." So I'm not sure because I've seen someone else on this site before with a lionfish and another type of scorpion in the same tank.


Originally Posted by jafrench
What are your tank dimensions? My guess is that once your lion is full grown, it will fill out that tank. An eel might be fine, but definitely not a marine betta. This is a grouper that gets too large when combined with a lion for a 39 gal tank. Urchins ROCK. You could definitely get another urchin.Not familiar with leaf scorpions, but I think any other medium to large fish might be too much. Anyway, just my two cents. Good Luck.
the marine betta gets just as big as a maroon clown. they are not huge fish.
i got a leaf scorpion a week ago. most places i look say they only eat live food, but i'm hoping to change that.