3rd try


someone on here last week couldn't get his new tang to eat Seaweed Selects. So he bought the Nori sheets from the grocery store and he said it was a huge difference, his YT gobbled it up. Shaunts also said Spirulina, there are plenty of other foods to try. Try them all if you need to. matt


thanks everyone for the imput....i will try another kind of seaweed sheet....right now, i have Seaweed Selects....i'll get Nori and try that.
it still doesn't go for brine....i see that it wants to eat....it is always picking at the rocks but i'm afraid that that isn't enough to make him fat-n-happy.
i wouldn't have tried to keep a yellow tang in my 55 gallon if i hadn't seen it done before on this site by many a hobbyiest.
once again...thank you and i'll keep you informed


Active Member
What else is in your tank? Tangs can be a bit finicky in the begining and if his tankmates are aggressive that can be their demise. Optimally you want to find a tang that is fat in the store so in case he refuses to eat for a few days he is okay. The only other suggestion is to ask the LFS you got him from what he was eating and make sure he has plenty of rockwork to hide in. If this one dies you might want to look for another fish store that has healthier livestock.


well, as i said before, i have a clown fish....and i have a lawnmower blenny....a few crabs....a blue linkia star fish....and some corals
i've got tons of rock work....and he hides everytime i go to feed them.....he's getting a little brave....he would hide as soon as you walked in the room....now he hides when i open the tank....
the LFS that i go to feeds them brine....which is what i have except it's combined with squid, garlic, and seaweed.
the funny thing is....this lfs just opened not even a year ago...before them, i thought my selection of fish stores was 'okay'.....well this one, is the ONLY one i go to now because it's the only one that quarentines their fish.....they NEVER have a dying or dead fish in any of thier tanks....and ALL of their fish are healthy looking and eating in the store. just like this tang was
i'm going to get some nori today....i'll let everyone know how that goes
thanks again


The fish can look great at the LFS but once you take them out of that environment, they will deteriorate if they are unhealthy due to the stress of moving.


Just a note, most 55s are the same lengh as 75s (48inch) the only difference being that 75s are wider. If you want to talk bio load then 75s are the tanks to beat but if we're talking swiming distance, horizontally, its the same. As long as you have ample swimming area and don't have the tank crammed with tons of rock you should be able to keep a YT in a 55. Its a borderline tank for this fish but not cruel IMO.


HE'S EATING!!!!!!!!
I fed him some of that Hikari Bio-Pure Ocean Plankton....mixed in with the other food that i give the tank.....and HE ATE IT!!!!!
He also grabbed a small piece of seaweed that came apart from the sheet and was floating in front of his face
he still hasn't gone for the whole sheet yet though....and he only ate about 6 bites...which isn't enough i know....but i have HOPE now!!!!!!:cheer:


have you tried good old macro algea? when i had my FOWLR i had a yt and for some reason the thing wouldn't eat almost anything except macro.


well, i just got back from heb....unfortunatly though, they didn't have any nori
i am happy to reprt though....that my yt has been grazing on the seaweed sheet ALL day!!! He's even protecting it from my LB....lol....he nipped at his three times to let him know it was HIS seaweed....lol


Active Member
Hey CL,
Have you checked out Fin-Addict on nacodoches b/w 1604 and 410? I work there, its a reallynice store. You should come check it out.....


actually, no, i have not been there.
when i get a chance, i'll stop by, that's not too far from where i live.
thanks for the info Ross


well, he's been eating today as well!!!!!
i fed him what he ate yesterday and he gobbled it right up. then, i gave him a seaweed sheet soaked in the juice of the food....and he loves it so much that he's guarding it again
his belly is filling up a little but it's still pinched....i hope he gets better soon
thank you thank you thank you everyone


Active Member
glad to hear its doing better, hope it survives and does well for you.
Im not going to engage in a flame war about tangs, and will only comment once on this because its covered very heavily in other threads for certain. The question is not can you keep a tang in a smaller tank, but should you. A yt seems to tolerate it well, even the pt seem to do okay in smaller tanks. Where you see the biggest, and imho cruelest situations is hippos or other certain tangs that have large swimming enviroments in the wild. If you have ever seen these fish in the wild you would understand why it is cruel to put them in say a four foot long tank. Now I am not saying your being cruel or that your yt wont do well, dont misunderstand. But I also think its important for ppl to read that just because one tang is okay to keep in a smaller tank, any will be okay. It also can save a person keeping the tank a lot of headache in avoiding territory problems as well as disease outbreaks and repeated animal losses.
all that being said wish u the best of luck w/it :)


thought i would show some updates to see what you guys think
in this one, you can see that he is filling out well but he still has 'lumps' areas where the belly make 'waves' instead of being flat.


such a big difference
i'll post more if he gets any better...i hope he will
but even if he doesn't fill out with a full tummy, he's still my new baby....no matter what he looks like (as long as he isn't hurt)