4 1/2 weeks into cycle?!?!?!?


I am now 4 1/2 weeks into my cycle with 45 lbs of live rock, just plain crushed coral, and 1 damsel. This is a 125 gallon tank FOWLR. My ammonia is somewhere between 0 and .25.....What can I do.....Should I add fish like a clown fish or trigger.....My damsel is doing really well and I had him for 4 1/2 weeks. How come my cycle didnt start yet..... Let me know what you guys advise


Active Member
did your water paremeters spike at all? Do you have a way to tell if your ammonia is zero? it needs to be zero


No nitrates means no cycle... I'd pull the damsel and do what a lot of people here do, throw in a cocktail shrimp or two to provide the source of amonia needed. Unless you wanted to keep the damsel forever, it'd be good to get it out now... They tend to not let anyone else join the tank later.


IMO there isn't enough ammonia in that size tank to start a cycle. Go with the cocktail shrimp as opus suggessted


how about adding the sponge from my parents filter which is a 75 gallon FOWLR and things have been healthy there for a while.....or add some water from there?


Active Member
im not sure about the sponge...but i wont not add any of the water into it. Just put some food in there like some shrimp