I currently just set up a 6 gallon nano tank about a month ago. I've had a 100 gallon reef tank for about 8 years now. I transferred everything I needed from the 100 gallon to the nano. So cycling was a breeze. In the 6 gallon, I added 2 true perculas. From the looks of things, I'm not sure how stable this tank will do with 2 fish. I'm testing the water often and some days the nitrites will be 0 while the next it will be slightly traceable and then 2 days later, back to 0. 2 weeks ago, the nitrates were 70 and lasts weeks water change brought it down to 40. My next water change is Wednesday so we'll see where we go from there. The clownfish are happy, btw. But I think I might be happier getting them out and getting everything to 0 for good and just have a reef tank. I want to put them in my 100 gallon but I already have a pair of clownfish in that one. Can I have 2 pairs of clownfish in the same tank? I do have 2 anemones in there. One the current pair uses and the other one, my nano tank clowns could use. My one clownfish I've had for 7 1/2 years is aggresive. She's huge, about 3 or so inches. She actually is the female from a mating pair I had years ago until the male died. When I added her mate now, she was kinda aggressive towards him for a day. I put him in a net basket next to her and the next day, they were friends. I can do the same with these 2 clowns if necessary. I just don't want to get rid of the nano clowns, I want to keep them. I will give my nano another week or 2 and see how things do. If not, would it be okay to have 4 clowns in the same 100 gallon tank? :notsure: