Originally Posted by
I would empty them into hot faucet water in sink & let them soak.
I disagree, cleaning with hot water kills off the bacteria and will leave your system very unstable.
Bio-balls should be cleaned in a bucket of SW. Most people that still use bio-balls give them a good rinsing off in the water change water that you take out of the tank. You're only trying to get the gunk off not the bacteria. Cleaning in hot fresh water will only add to your problems.
Well, I have a 55g with 65 pounds of LS, 65 pounds of LR.
Sump with refugium, deep sand base & rubble rock with chaeto. The bacterial filtration is fine without the canister filter. This is why I scrubbed the canister filter down so aggressively.
I also have a gnarly, slobbering, spitting, grumbling, 200g skimmer in the system. ( ASMg-2 ) which keeps things in perspective.
When i have a nitrate reading, i know its time to clean the C-360...
My attitude was, the canister filter has 1 job.
"Remove the waste from the water."