4 fish in a 10 gallon tank???


im gona go ahead and change the substrate in my 30 gallon to sand.....
my question is can my 4 damsels,2 clown gobies and scooter blenny live in a 10 gallon for a day or 2 while the sand settles?
i know damsels are cheap but i havent seen these since i bought them and i dont want thm to die.
and the gobies and the blenny wasnt cheap(by my pocket book)......


You could give your damels to your LFS...and IMO, damsels are mean and i wouldn't want them in my tank. Keep your other fish in the small tank for a few days whie you change your substrate and get rid of those damsels when you can!


Originally Posted by hrdfrntr95
im gona go ahead and change the substrate in my 30 gallon to sand.....
my question is can my 4 damsels,2 clown gobies and scooter blenny live in a 10 gallon for a day or 2 while the sand settles?
i know damsels are cheap but i havent seen these since i bought them and i dont want thm to die.
and the gobies and the blenny wasnt cheap(by my pocket book)......
Seven fish in a ten gallon is going to be tight. Keep a CLOSE eye on the water readings. Set up something larger, such as a rubber maid tub with some pieces of rock in it, if you can.


naw the tank isnt established it is a retired fresh tank from about 2 years ago......
im keeping my damsels.......i have 4 different types and i love them...domino,blue,3 stripe and a brownish color one with purple fins...
i know there are better and more beautiful fish out there but not a big selection for a 30 gallon tank...
as for the sub. change......i take it it wouldnt be good idea to do it with the fish in the tank?