4 hours


I come home from work, check my tank and log on to this message board. I sit here for 4 hours watching the messages, of course I have a slow internet connection.
I get up and look at my tank while moving from one message to the other.
Does anyone else spend this much time on this message board?


Active Member
yepper, i hav e broadband, and whenever i pass the computer(which is quite often, now, being as i am on lay off), i get sucked in just to see what's next myself, i love it hear, and this place is a wealth of knowledge, i am sure we ALL have learned something on this board(at least one thing)
not ot mention the laughs, not at rookies, but some of the jesting comments(although ther is some stupidity, like a nurse shark in a 20 gallon tank), don't get the wrong idea, i feel the only stupid question, is one not asked, if you don;t know jsut ask, we'll be glad to help if possible


fshhub Hope you were not part of that Enron thing. Sorry to hear you were laid off. Much too expensive a hobby to have that happen


Active Member
no, i work in the ribbon business, and just before christmas our season slows drasitically, once all of the ribbon and bows are shipped
i will be back in a couple of weeks, i actually look forward ot it, i enjoy the holidays off, especially with my seniority, i'd never get a vacation then, besides, i have other things to do to pass the time in december, like helping out a gooooood friend, and you know what they say, what goes around comes around, he has been great to me and my wife and helps us out alot too


I think that I am worse than you... I run an internet business from home, and I spend most of the day on the web. It seems like I am always on this site checking the posts, and respond to a few. Usually if someone else answers the posts, I do not reply.
I start between around 6-7 in the morning and usually shut my system down around 10-11 at night. Sometimes I when I have other work, or go onsite, I do not check the forum. I feel like a junkie, needing my saltwater fix. I am cycling a 7 gallon bowfront which sets less than 2 feet from my monitor. The main tank is in the living room.


junkie is the right word. I start looking at my watch about an hour before work ends, wondering who's on the board and what I have missed.

kris walker

Active Member
Yup, I'm here too, about 10 hours a day. I have a T-10/100 connection here at work, and a 56K one at home.


Hooked here too... LOL. I thought I was the only one that had to hurry home and read the new posts! Glad to know that I am not alone in my psychosis...LOL


I love it here. Much more exciteing then watching the tube !! I learn a LOT and have fun doing it.
It looks like I am not alone on this.


nah.. its more of a "thirst for knowledge" kinda thing... there are 2 things people want in life. and that is.. happiness.. and MORE.. the hapiness everyone wants.. and the MORE.. everyone wants more of something.. :D
i get to it when i can. namely like when everybody at home is sleeping or gone away for the day. at work, no can do. so i miss 48 hr blocks at a time. :( good info avail, though.


I always have it up on my laptop at work, just to see what everyone is posting I check it between meetings all day. I need help! we should start a support group! :D :D


Hey Kelley I'm cycling a 7 gallon Bow also, what's the specs.
BTW. I leave this site up all day, and while I wait on my one machine to compile I will read some stuff on my other computer. Both are connected to a LAN T1 connection.


My hubby and I are both off work today. He was just saying "You love your fish more than me, come spend time with me instead of BB"