4 hours

i think fshub should get the medal though......
1073 posts in two months...as long as ive been here i never seen anyone come even close to that...his replies also help alot of the new soon to be addicted people....keep up the good work....


Well, I am new to this wonderful new hobby and I found this forum about 2 weeks ago and since then I have been here every night after work for at least 2 hours or more. I have learnt so much in such a short time just from reading what everyone else has to say. It's great, I just wish the rest of the Brits over here were as dedicated and helpful as everyone who uses this forum are.


I actually had to go do some home chores. Washing, ironing, the really fun stuff.
But I'm Backkkkkkkkkkk!
I have gotten LOL from these replies.
Thanks guys


BroadBand!! :) I get up i check. I go to class i check, i come home i check. My chick chases me off of the comp. :( Man school always gets in the way of the important things in life. My MacroEcon prof just has no sense of humor.


I figure, why work so hard at work when I can be learning so much on this board! You all rock!
I think everyone that logs on to this message board is probably obsessed. I know Predator and I eat, sleep, and breath saltwater tanks. We spend alot of our time on this board and messing with our tanks. This board is one of the best Ive seen, you can learn alot here. Can we say REEFAHOLIC :D


I have it even worse, I have 2 other site's message boards going as well !!!! But I'll tell you what the information is unreal. This is better than a library because the topics are already sorted by categories. I have been "dry" for about 7 years because of having no time, and the internet was still a figment of Bill Gates's mind back then - compared to now. Much easier this way !!!


Active Member
thank you asm and triga, i just love this place, and have said i love this hobby too, i just can't get enough, LOL