4" Lunar Wrasse for $5 should I?


yay i bet the lunare will soon rule the tank.any problems with the green bird.they are fun to watch but they swim like madmenn when feeding.one time i gave my fish algae and he took the whole thing off the clip and swam away with it and went hiding in the rock i was laughing pretty hard and if one of the other fish would try to go int the rock to try and get a piece he would come out still with it in his mouth and go hide in another rock.the are pretty funny has yours ever done that


Active Member
Not yet, will try to get some this wekend. He's only about 5" long and almost disappears in an 8' tank. Mix that with the fact that he moves like he is on speed and a tank pic might be tough, but I'll see what I can do.


Nice addition and looks like you got a super male too! Very entertaning fish. Mine chases his own tail, dive bombs the sand and just stops and lays down for no apparent reason. Like you stated I also like the fact they go right to eating as soon as they hit the tank. Mine ate within 20 minutes of being in the tank. No hiding for 3 days and hunger strikes.


Active Member
Well day 2 was...mmmm...interesting to say the least.
Went to feed last night and Lunar was MIA. I was freaked thinking he met te same fate as my Banana wrasse. But after a final inspection I found him in one of my overflows.
SO....After breaking a brand new 21" PC ligt bulb
, knocking my overflow bulkheads loose and water pouring out in under my cabinet, then turning the return pump off so I would not keep pumping water into the overflow, then the sump overflowed.
But now the mess is cleaned up and the Lunar is back in the tank and eating just fine.

small triggers

Active Member
sounds like you need to drill for a bulkhead fitting and put a smallrubbermaid incase your power goes out(?) Other than that,,, gotta love thin fish that can fit just about anywhere,,,


I saw the same ad you did and considered getting the other fish (too far away though). I already have a lunatic, err, lunar wrasse. If you give him some place to hide/chill out, he may stop getting into trouble. Mine adopted a 10 inch conch shell that was in the tank, he just disappears inside it.
He also likes to redecorate by scooping up sand in his mouth and dropping it on the live rock. Eats any hermit, clam or snail I put in the tank, too. Are you having any problems with him bothering your clean up crew?


My lunare is my fav fish in my tank even though he makes feeding the eel difficult at times he's worth it. Mine is on Crack never stops moving during the day. Then as soon as the lights go out good luck finding him because he's either in the pvc or the rocks. Just like a little kid or something he will go to sleep as soon as the lights go out. During the day mine will chase its tail and he is hand fed when feeding you will love this fish guaranteed.


Active Member
Day 5 and the new Lunar is doing great. A little half hearted chasing from the other Wrasses from time to time, but relatively no aggresion.
The new Lunar is active and eating like a champ. I've cut some 1.5" hosing and fishproofed my overflows so nothing can go over the top anymore.
I think my tank is now 100% full and stocking is FINALLY completely stocked after 2yrs of trial and error.


Active Member
The wife is going in for surgery tomorrow then I'll be home all week playing Nurse and waiter. So I hope to have time to clean the tank and snap some new pictures, stay tuned.
Ended up picking up the Lunare, a Blue Damsel, 2 x 4 Stripe Damsels, and a Velet Blue Damsel off the guy all for $10.
Life everywhere on all levels and the 4 wrasses keep the tank poppin.