4 of a kind


This is the new deal. After I got rid of my mantis Snoopy I added a zebra moray and a harlequin tusk. Everyone gets along fine and no one has a problem eating. That tusk is a demon when it comes to eating. He just destroys crayfish, really cool to watch. Heavy bioload, I know, there's a spot in the basement for my 180 gallon ready to go. Should have it in a few weeks...so relax!


Those are some cool critters? What type of puffer is that? I am looking forward to placing my first fish in a couple of weeks in my new tank. Also, I had seen the pictures of your the mantis shrimp, what did you do with him?
And Polar, you have a green moray eel? Don't those get huge? Wow, you must have a very large setup! That's cool too! I've actually snorkled and "ran" into a large green moray eel in Mexico, kinda gets your heart racing with that pretty smile looking at you :sleepy: !


The puffer is arothron nigropunctatus a blackspotted dogface puffer. Fairly common, I see them at stores all the time. He was just begging to get out of there though and we've gotten really attached to him and his goofball behaviour. Tons of personality this guy. I gave the mantis to a friend and now he has a 30 gallon all to himself. He's livin' good. Check out his webcam between 9 and 9. Just search for "mantis webcam" for the link.


Active Member
Like the setup. Good mix of fish. I've been thinking about adding a tusk to my 240, but think I in the long run that I'd be pushing the bio load a bit. They are very colorfull, and I've always wanted one. I may still do it, and if the bio load gets to be to much I may get rid of a couple of others.