40 gal additions ??



I have a 40 gal aquarium up since 2-2005 37lbs of LR, 4 scarlet hermit crabs, 2 turbo snails, 1 emerald crab, have had 2 Percula Clowns - Aquacultured and 1 jawfish since 4-16-05. Temp 76-78, sg 1.023 (because of jawfish), ph 8.1-8.3, ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate ? everytime I test (with saltwater master kit) I get a high reading like 40 but my lfs said under 10 (I'm not having a problem in the tank & since the test has tested high everytime & I do 5 gal water changes every couple of weeks I dont think its high) & 3-4 inches of sand w CC under.
What I want to add:
addl 5 crabs & 5 turbo snails
3 Nassarius snails
3 sand sifting crabs (if they come in)
1 fighting conch
1 brittle star (not green)
2 peppermint shrimp (because of aiptasia problem)
1 cleaner shrimp?
I want to add 1 additional fish preferrably a pretty one since this will be my limit I'm thinking a dwarf or pygmy angel (I'll have to add seaweed sheets) any suggetions on my last fish? ALSO does anyone know when SWF gets more stock there isnt that much to choose from.
Any problems with any of the additions? I've been reading posts for the last 2 days MY HEAD IS SPINNING! I'm choosing not to add bluelegged crabs because of the fighting conch (read the crab will try to take his shell)
Thanks I know there's a lot here to read I wanted to make sure I covered everything.


Active Member
The invert list looks good (good call on skipping the blue legs).
As for a fish, how about a Royal Gramma? They are very colorful and have an interesting personality.


I've read the Royal Gramma hides a lot I already have a jawfish that I only see the head of, I want something that swims around the tank. Thanks though.