40 Gallon - Input


Hi guys,
I'm starting to look into slowly setting up a 40 gallon to upgrade my 12 gallon. I'm just having difficulty finding lighting options for the inhabitants that I want with this 12 so I wanted to ask for your opinion.
Are those sea-clear with the built-in wet/dry filters any good? I noticed that the top only has a slight opening and isn't fully open...is this going to be a problem for me when I look for lighting fixtures, if not, any suggestions as to what would go there perfectly?
40 Gallon tank...what would be a good lighting option for it...and is it still too small for an anemone?
If you could please e-mail me with good 40 gallon tank options that would be great...I'm really more concerned about it having an open top (but I realize that I won'ot have much of a choice unless I get a canopy with most retrofitting light fixtures)...I have a VERY curious cat.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you.
e-mail: rbaby@softhome.net


If I had the money to properly setup a 40 gallon right now to replace my 20 hands down I would go with a 40 breeder. The dimensions are spectacular for lighting. It is 36" x 18" X 16" I think. Very deep tank from front to back, but shallow from bottom to top. Which gives you a huge footprint to work with for lighting and shallow water to penetrate. Also makes front to back aquascaping easy. And if you aren't happy with that shallow of a tank, look into Oceanics 58 gallon. Same footprint, just deeper tank. If I were setting up a 40 breeder right now, I would either go with 6 36" VHOs, or two 36" VHOs, and two 150 watt MH.


Thanks Aggie,
What are good light brands for VHO or MH? I'd like to get a range from the BEST to REALLY GOOD light manufacturers.


URI if you are going with VHO. MH, I really can't tell you, I have never owned MH so as far as bulbs go I have no clue. Ballast are also something that I don't know much about. Icecap is good, workhorse is good, and I use an ARO, which I like.


Okay I'm confused, I see many Metal Halide lamps...some for industrial, some for agriculture...some for aquarium, what's the difference???
How many watts should I look into if I plan on getting an anemone in there (just bubble tip or rose) in a 35-40 gallon?


hehe i see a 36" Metal halide hood with actinic suppl. for $700 at Hellolights...by the way I've read that XM Halides are one of the best.


Does anybody have that Seaclear II Aquarium system? Are there any good protein skimmers to go in the back-end of that? The protein skimmer for Seaclear is like 40 bucks so it makes me wonder if it's any good. Hmmmmmmmmmmm...


Active Member
If I were you I would try to install a refugium instead of a wet/dry filter. A wet/dry is very expensive and doesn't do much more then a 10g sump. Bioballs can be nitrate factories unless requently maintained.
Refugiums offer more benefits too. Nitrate reduction, increased water volume and bio-diversity.


Thanks footbag, but I'm not very good with the whole setup thing so I was hoping to make my life easier.
I don't know how to drill holes or to make the water circulate through a refugium/sump so I was hoping that they had those that had built-in ones. Any suggestions? I was planning on taking out the bio balls anyway as I have read the fact that you had stated and since I didn't know how the back chambers worked, I was hoping of just putting my heater back there as well.