40 Gallons of Goodness


Active Member
AMAZINg tank, just beautiful
Is that a plate coral on the sand? I really like it, do they sting their neighbors?
Another pic.. just got this one of my rock anemone.. pretty good shot I think..

Anyhow yes I have two different plate corals on the sandbed and no they dont seem to do much to thier neighbors for the most part, but the maze brains have tried to sting the plates.. Either way the plates will fill with water and and quickly exhale it to move a tiny bit to slowly but surely get to where they want.. Plates (fungias) are very cool corals and mine seem to like to be in medium water flow areas
Once again thanks for all the nice comments everyone


Active Member
D...your tank is niiiiiiiice....glad you decided to stick around and not get rid of everything.
Originally Posted by grubsnaek
i thinks it crazy how good it looks with out a skimmer
lol ME TO!!
I was gonna put my aqua c remora on but havent yet so I've decided to see how it does. My 125 had a pathetic coralife skimmer that hardly did a thing so it might as well have been skimmerless. Also, I dont feed much so I think that helps alot in keeping the tank clean.. Honestly I do water changes whenever and top offs nightly, and I check daily to make sure the temp stays 74-75 thats about how my maintenance schedule goes. Its just another case of what works for some doesnt work for others. I followed lots of advice on how to do things but ultimately found what works for me and I'd say I'm not doing to shabby.
Anyhow thanks for all the kind words and Maelv, Im glad I didnt get out all together I would have missed alot. I love this tank and the new pendant was a seriously good hookup from pat that I couldnt be happier with.


Active Member
Originally Posted by warlock_king
I love this tank and the new pendant was a seriously good hookup from pat that I couldnt be happier with.
It's about time you got a light system from Pat that worked out to your liking...ha ha ha ha
He has one more of the pendants and I seriously want to buy it just to have when/if I need it cuz I love it but havent found it anywhere online and it has no brand name on it that I can tell.. He said they are"custom jobs" but I know they aren't , if I could figure out where he orders them Id be in heaven lol.
thanks for the compliments everyone! hearing that people like what I've done with the tank makes it that much more enjoyable. thanks again