You may be able to down grade bulb wattage from 400 to 250 and not have to swap ballast. You can't go from a 250w to 400W bulb but down may be possible. I was looking at some ballast specs from AdvanceTransformer for myself and thought of you. If you know the ansi # of the ballast you have now. If it's output voltage is the same or with in the ranges you see between the 400W and 250 watt for the M58 (250) or M59 (400). Probe start usually Mogul. Verify your Ansi number and compare it to what you have and what you want. Having a Ballast that matches output voltage capable of running a larger load like the 400W should be capable of driving a smaller load 250W. Again DE would still be a problem since they are different lengths. No guarantees either way....
Pages 5-24, 5-27 - M58, M59
Pages 5-25, 5-28 (M138 , M153, M89 HQI), (M128, M135,M155,M172,M144)
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