400lbs of sand....suggestions


I am setting up a 210 gallon reef tank. I am going to need about 400lbs of sand according to most recommendations. Does anyone have any suggestions on what type of sand and how to obtain this huge amount without spending a boat load of cash? Thanks.


There's only certain types of play sand that are good though. Do a search for it. I can't remember. If you can't find it hopefully somebody comments and tells you.


I am thinking about heading down to the beach with a giant cooler and digging up a bunch of sand from the ocean. Thoughts?


Don't use beach sand it's polluted with all kinds of crap. I think Home Depot sells play sand that can be used. I remember hearing the brand Down South. Anyone else?


southdown sand is supposed to be the play sand of choice. I have never used it but apparently it is great when you need alot. Also two problems could arise from using beach sand. 1 there may be contaminants and other stuff in the sand, whatever has been in the water can get in the sand. Also it is illegal in some places, so I would check that out first.


Hmmm intresting. I am also contructing a large tank, and was going to need about 250lbs of sand. But if you say I can get some play sand ffrom homedepot and then just seed it with the current LS I have in my tank already that would be a huge savings.


Active Member
Use the vinegar test. Handfull of sand and dose it with vinegar, if it bubbles then it's ok to use in thank, if it doesn't bubble then it's silica based sand and kinda worthless for a tank.


Active Member
I called Old castle, last year, and they said they no loger sold the aragonite based sand. They lost the source.


I went to Home Depot and bought a bag of Arena Natural Sand...the only kind they had. They didn't have anything at Lowe's. I did the vinegar test and it didn't fizz. I guess I am out of luck.


Do you know of any local saltwater fish stores you could ask? I go to FSU, the store near the corner of Monroe and MLK Blvd is good. I can't remember what it's called now but it used to be called Aquatic Realms. You can ask them, they'll point you in the right direction.