42g hex w/everything 4sale Nhouston tx


42 Gallon solid Cherry Wood (Oceanic) LS/LR, skimmer, mag 350 pump, fish, food, salt, mag cleaners, testing materials, everything you need.
Life has changed and I am no longer able to take care of it. Will not ship, will not seperate, take all or nothing.


The LR is covered with coralline and there is more LR than when the pic was taken. There is a maroon clown, royal gramma, cleaner shrimp, lots of snails and crabs.
The Mag 350 is the kind with the tube that connects to clean your gravel.
The Skimmer is a SeaClone, not sure if 100 or 150.
Please let me know if you have any other questions.


New Member
Nice tank,
I am kinda new to this, how long can the fish and everything survive when you transport them. Like in buckets - not packed by pros. I am in Dallas, its at least a 3 hr drive, but I am getting ready to buy and the idea of having everything all together is cool.
Is 800 the final price or will you come down some.


I would think they would be ok, but the only time I have moved livestock it only took 2 hours and I crushed a shrimp. :-(
Since you are new, I will point out that I don't have any high-quality lights on it. The only thing that fits a hex (unless you want to build a top) is a hanging pendant. And I just never got one.
Not that I DONT want you to buy it, I just thought you might not know that.
Everything else is really nice. I have everything, you even get my books, chemicals, testing equipment, rubbermaid tub, 2 5-gallon jugs, salt, fish food, fish, ls, lr, everything. It is a very nice tank and very pretty, but the only time I see it now is when I come home to clean it.
Let me know if you are still interested.


and yeah if you are interested, make me an offer.
I have someone that wants it for 500, but I am holding out :) hehe.


New Member
How much would the light cost?
and you should come down on the price because of the cost of gas.

soo high

Originally Posted by Newby05
you should come down on the price because of the cost of gas.
lol hahahahahahahahahahahahahahah yea truezzz


Yeah, I have someone waiting for me to go down to 5, but I just cant let it go for that.
I ran into someone at ***** today when I was out w/my dog, and she was looking at buying the exact tank - so I told her she could have mine with everything for 8, she is going to call me if she can talk her hubby into it. It is a great deal for someone who is new to sw and buying from ***** like I did. I bought the stand/aquarium for 550 and the filter for 150 that was before I found this site. After killing multiple fish and laughing at people who had "Live" rock, I found you guys.
It sucks that I have to get out, but I will live vicariously thru all the photos here. And my saltwater screen saver :)


I am having a fishy open house on Saturday (9/10) if anyone is in the area and wants to look at it for 700 OBO :jumping: Ive invited the local MARSH club to come.