45 gallon reef tank


ken the newbe

im setting up a 45 gal reef-i have 40 lbs of live rock/ tonga branch in the tank
im using a ehiem 2215 filter and a seaclone 100 skimmer. i would like to get some shrimps , snails, clams and a star fish. also the following fish--
clown fish, yellow tang, flame angel, blue tang and a lion fish. is this too many fish???

ken the newbe

when you say it will not work what does that mean? will they die ??get to big ??---thanks for the reply


Active Member
Originally Posted by ken the newbe
when you say it will not work what does that mean? will they die ??get to big ??---thanks for the reply
Tangs will get too big for a tank of your size, as will a lion fish. Tangs aren't particularly reef safe either. Good fish for a reef include clowns, damsels, chromis, dwarf angels, gobies, blennies. The fish you want belong in a very large fish-only tank.


dino tangs r reef safe idn wut ur talkin bout but i have one n its fine and look on here there all algae eaters and reef safe.


Active Member
Originally Posted by costa13
remember angels are not reef safe.
I've seen many dwarf angels, like coral beauties and flame angels, in reef tanks.


Some people have angels in their reef tanks with no problems. However you cannot ever be sure that they will never nip at you corals.


Active Member
Tangs will not do well because they need at least 125G tanks or larger due to their swimming nature. Anything less than 125G - will stress them out and die. No tangs in a 46G tank ! A lionfish are predatory and will eat what they can fit in their mouths. They are best left in a predator tank set-up.
Dwarf Angels - you must keep only one species. They are hit or miss and prone to nip at corals.
You might want to invest in a better skimmer than what you already have. Seaclones are garbage skimmers.