46 Bow


Active Member
Looks good. You have some cyano on your substrate. You can probably siphon this off but maybe get some more flow going to keep it from coming back. I like the fish shots!.


Thanks i have gotten rid of the red slime before but it keeps coming back so i just let it die off then it will be gone for a week then it will come back for a week so i just leave it


put a koralia powerhead in the back right corner. It creates great flow. angle it at a 45º to the front and it will bounce of the glass, keeping the front sandy area of your tank nice and clean. $40= no more cyano.


I at one time wanted a bow front tank so bad, but I am glad I use strai front. Because when comes to cleaning off those green film growing on glass, bow front would make life miserable, or at least to me.
Your Pagoda cup will hate your emerald crabs bad later on cuz those crabs when they get to a good size, they go nuts, especially if you don't continue providing them algae sheet and food.
I got rid of my 2 emerald cuz they started to munching on my corals.


i am glad that i got the bow front but also i dont like it because i had to buy an extra light and also cleaning seems tougher with the bow


Active Member
The tank looks like its coming along pretty good, and the pictures are good. How long has it been wet up? What kind of lighting do you have?