wow, just read through the article and was hoping someone was gonna suggest more light to keep and anemone! thanks jonh f. top put this in perspecitive, i have about 130 watts of pc lightign on my 20 gallon tank. this is mare than half the size of your tank, and i still have lighting issues that im concerned about. if you want to keep an anemone or any corals for that matter, you will need more light. anemone's and corals are photosynthetic as well as carniverous animals. they have tiny littel algae called zooxanthellae living inside of them that utilize sulnlight by turning it into energy. however, they also like to capture prey, whether it be zooplankton, or a piece of krill, they need to be fed. so lightng is a major part of them beign able to survive in a captive environment. definately up your lighting before making any oral/anemone purchse. once you do have sufficient lighting to sustain life, i would try a bubble tip anemone, if you truly have your heart set on one of these creatures, as thay are probably one of the esaiest to keep and least demanding, in terms of lighting.
as for the coral banded shrimp, they do not eat starfish. i think that mnreefman is thnking about a harlequin shrimp, as these little guys are predators of starfish, and thsi is all they will eat. i have successfully kep cbs and starfish and small fish together for three years now in a 135. he has vener harmed a soul, exept for a cleaner shrimp. if he is going to be the only shrimp in the tank, then its ok, but if you plan on having more than one species, i would leave him out.
good luck