

Do you think I got a good deal? $460 for a brand new 75G glass, oak canopy, stand, and 3 rocks (which I have a question about)?
Can I use this as base rock in my new ocean? :D


yeah its artificial. I have LR already in my 29 that I am going to transfer to my new tank. I am going to use my 29 as my sump/refugium. I am hoping to be able to use it a base rock if that is possible. i have heard that some artificial rock it harmful to saltwater fish. Just wondering if this is one of those.


Active Member
Yea, if thats artificial rock I wouldnt put it in my tank. Like many here have said in the past, most of those art. rocks are not intended for SW use and the paints will eventually come off. Just my 2 cents. Seems like a decent price for the rest though IMO.


I got a 80 g glass with oak (looks like oak but it’s solid wood with laminate to look oak) stand and canopy, two Fluval 404’s, RedSea Prism protein skimmer, 200W heater plus some live rock and live sand and a few things not useful for Salt for $300. I think I got a really good deal.


I would check the papers and internet and such for a used one. For that kind of money you could really do well if you don't mind not getting to peal off the tags.


yeah, i have been checking around the area and couldnt find one that was decent and used. Not too big a market around here as most people are military ans do not want to hassle with moving a fishtank. I am one of the few willing, ( and my husband hasnt gone anywhere since he enlisted 4 years ago...thank god!). And besides I had a blast pulling those stickers off!!!! lol
FYI--- about that rock: I contacted the manufacturer and asked him what type of tank the rock was safe for and the guy told me that it was designed for use in saltwater. So I am going to use it. But if I have any problems you bet I will let everyone know!


Active Member
If you are looking ofr cheap base rock I'd highly recommend using hawaiian island base rock. It is porous and looks like regular live rock once everything gets rolling!
Good luck!


Active Member
one note, many rocks should not be used in sawlt water for reasons which you seem to know about.
Now, of the safe few, I would cure it and cycle it before adding it to the tank. Because dead or unlive rock, has a bad habit of creating instability until it does become saturated with life(bacteria), and this will often last well past the initial cycle. And after that, it can be a problem for algae too. So just use caution and make sure it is WELL cured before adding it.
tufa is a good substitute,and can be bought at a landscaping business for about a dollar pound in most areas.


If you need good base rock go to ----. Seller is hirocks he has a 100,000 lbs of it it was dredge out of a bay 20 yrs ago. I bought 30 lbs for $15.00 This is nice rock then use your lr rock to seed it


alright, I will check him out. As for now, i am going to use this stuff. if it becomes a problem then I will not hesitate to yank it! I figured I would use it since I already had it though.