Hello I am just wondering about lighting. I have a 75gal acrylic SeaClear tank...I have crappy lighting and really want to upgrade. The most affordable I seem to find is the Coralife compact lights. I don't know anything about lighting. I just want to be able to have some corals....Not a full reef tank, but some goodies...I put a thread on the new hobbiest section but really no response so I hope someone can help me. Are these lights safe on acrylic??? Beacause the top of my tank is acrylic with two holes for 18" fixtures. The full length of the tank is 48" and I want one big fixture with the little stands to elevate it. Should I get the lights with 2-65watt bulbs or 4-65Watt bulbs. Sorry if this is a stupid question but I have been reading about the lights and don't have a clue if they should only go on glass tanks...... :notsure: I will attach a picture of my tank any help will be welcomed....or advice....Thanks...Michelle
Also are these lights good enough to keep an anenome!!!!!
Also are these lights good enough to keep an anenome!!!!!