48 Inch Sunpod 2x150W MH light fixture


Active Member
How tall is the tank? Anything over 20" tall 150 watt halides aren't putting a whole lot of light beyond the upper 3rd of the tank


Active Member
I've got a 55gallon and i think im going with the t5 nova extreme pro 6x54W if I don't get my 2x250W MH fixture for 300$ local


Active Member
oh dude the 2x150 would be perfect for a 55. Theyre only like 18 inches high right? 2 ft of coverage per bulb...ive got a sunpod. That'd spread your light nicely. if you were going to go the t5 route, i'd check out the TEK fixtures! very nice, indivdual reflectors, high output bulbs, reliable ballasts. Just my 0.02


Active Member
2x250w mh is a bit much for a 55, unless its some cheap mh fixture. 2x150w is more than enough.