48" Solaris 20k LED light


Ok I have a solaris led light for sale. 48" model. It is missing the two power boxes that power it as I am using them on my other solaris. You can pick these up directly from solaris though. If you are interested makes offers...retails at 2499 with everything. It appears to be working right now too...haha
You can email at phil at *nospam* philipdepalo.com


Did a search for solaris led light, didn't have much luck. Can u post pic, or email pic too jvonk407@netzero.net I am looking for a 48" moonlight for my tank. The power boxes it doesn't have, r they 12V adapters??


I think there are some threads on the other reef site about this light...I have no pics with it over my tank, you can visit www.pfolighting.com and go to aquarium lighting to look at it and their pics of it over their tank.


This light is still for sale if interested, the power supplies are 270 total for two plus shipping...this is a great deal!!!