5 1/2 months 46g updated reef pics


Some shots of my 46g bowfront and individual pics of the items inside. Enjoy everyone

And yes I LOVE brain corals, and by far my favorite.... my wife doesn't agree :cheer:


Active Member
WOW Nick, very nice. I love the brains too. Nice color and things look very healthy. Thanks for sharing. Barry


is that an orange scleronepthea aka orange carnation in that cave on the left. if so that thing looks nice. i cant get mine to grow. i bought him as a tiny frag, about 1 inch tall, but he keeps splitting instead of growing taller, now i have like 5 pieces of it. what do you feed yours?


Man you have some nice LPS, what do you do to get those brains so big. I what mine to look like that.


Originally Posted by RobSW
is that an orange scleronepthea aka orange carnation in that cave on the left. if so that thing looks nice. i cant get mine to grow. i bought him as a tiny frag, about 1 inch tall, but he keeps splitting instead of growing taller, now i have like 5 pieces of it. what do you feed yours?

Hey Rob..Thanks for the kind words....Simply maintain water at pristine level and target feed them DT's 3x a week. Made that my regiment and this along with all my other corals are thriving..... Only coral I had die on me was a green devils hand which I had shipped and heard they dont do so well on shipping so it was a risk and I lost the bet....oh well had to try..


Originally Posted by kzoo
Man you have some nice LPS, what do you do to get those brains so big. I what mine to look like that.

Well my closed brains were hand me downs because they supposedly weren't doing well... When I received them they were simply recessed completely into the skeletal structure of the coral. After 3 days in my tank they came around and began to expand on their own.... very hardy imo.. thanks for the compliment.


Thanks alot Lion and thanks for the help in the past. Unfortuneately I had to learn things the hard way but at least I learned. I am still stuck between upgrading to a 75 or a 90....what to do!! I will have both tanks up and running then plannning to migrate this tank and it's inhabitants over to the new reef once it's matured a bit along with SPS corals. Decisions decisions!!


Miamireefr, you have a nice set up. I bought my Fiancee the same tank. It is now 3 1/2 months old. This past weekend I bought me an open brain I love it. She says it's ugly, then she got herself a Plated Coral with long tentacles. So being that I see your tank look so pretty it gave me some ideas for placing our corals in the bowfront tank. Now I need to be careful when re-arranging my rocks.
Sweet tank anyhow. Any tips on keeping prestine water levels?


Only tip I can suggest is READ! Alot.... and regards to keeping great water levels is simply do your scheduled maintainence and always keep an eye on levels.
This is my regiment so you can get an idea.
Feed fishes daily. Foods: frozen formula1&2, frozen mysis, freeze dried krill, (frozen angel formula<~~ my guys love this crap ALOT), and spectrum marine formula pellets. I soak these foods in vitachem and a couple drops of kents garlic extreme with just a couple drops of saltwater to allow every piece to soak. I use the garlic extreme 3x a week as well(Mon, Wed, Fri) and vitachem daily.
Corals: freeze dried cyclopeeze, and DT's phytoplankton. feed them 3x a week: Mon,Wed, and Fridays. Also give my hammer, bubble and frogspawn zooplankton once a week.
Dose tank with seachem calcium twice a week(Tuesday and Friday)
and dose Kent Marine Iodine through drops daily.
Conduct a 10% water change every 2 weeks and so far this has worked out great for me with no disease or ill effects to any corals. With all that said my levels run almost perfect because there is always slight fluctuation(extremely minimal)
Thanks again!