5 1/2 Nano Diary


Active Member
Originally Posted by Schadiest1
probably only 2 tangs

how about a 12 inch hippo? and 100 lbs of lr to go with tht?


Active Member
what lighting did you decide to go with? sorry if you posted already, im to lazy to read.. Also if you click the inset image button when posting and put the links to the pics in that box that pops up the pic will be in your post. that way us lazy people dont have to click all those links


Active Member
Dropped the shrimp in today to start the cycle. Still need to put the water seal on the stand, I'm procrastinating.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefkprZ
I dont think your stand has enough support for all that water weight.......
projects looking good.
I bet your right... He should have used 4x4s and not 2x4s


Active Member
I can't wait to get this tank cycled, established and get my reef going. It's a ways away, but I'll manage.


Active Member
I bought (2) 4" cold cathode lights and connect them to a multi voltage power supply. The multi voltage adapter allows you to put the voltage where you want it for brightness of the light.


Active Member
Just a quick question. Is the rock leaning on the glass like it looks? If so you may want to get it off for a couple of reasons. Cleaning the glass simplier. The add weight on the glass may strain the seams and cause a leak down the road.
What a great looking project keep the pics coming. ***)


Active Member
It was leaning on the glass in that picture, but since then I have moved the rocks around and it's no longer on the glass.
More pics coming soon.


Looks great so far!

A few questions:
With the canopy on do have glass on the top too?
You said in your first post you had a 18w PC. Why did you change?
Finally, With such a small tank why did you decide to use a skimmer?
Thanks in advance!