5-10 gallon nano reef tank setup/advice


New Member
Hey everyone, I've been a lurker on this site for a while now, mostly the nano section. I currently have a 55g planted Cichlid tank and I've gotten a little bored with it. So I've been wanting to start a sw tank for some time now, but didn't want to get into anything to big since I plan on moving by the end of the year. So basically that left me with the option to do something smaller and easier to move and something to learn on. Not sure what's a better size to do, 5 or 10?
1. I was thinking of doing a reef tank, with a pair of percula clowns, a cleaner shrimp, turbo snail, and that's about it. Thoughts or opinions with that stock list?
2. I have a spare aquaclear 70 I can do the refugium mod to, but is that enough filtration and flow for a 10g? Maybe to much flow?
3. Also does anyone have any recommendations on lighting for a reef tank of this size and maybe spectrum recommendation? Lighting tips for the refugium?
So if anyone can let me know what they think or let me know their recommendations it would be very helpful.


Active Member
IMO 10 gallaon is too small long term for a pair of A. percula. Look into some gobies.
I suggest a pair of Green Banded gobies. Elacatinus multifasciatus



Yeah...5-10 gallons is too small for 1 full grown clown let alone 2.
For anyone wanting to start a salt water fish tank, I have seen more people say this and do this (myself included); do not start small. I started out with a 14 gallon tank and after a few months, I needed to go bigger. You just can't put all the fish and corals that you want in a tiny tank so instead of wasting the money starting small, start bigger! Plus, larger tanks are easier to deal with in terms of health. Bigger reef systems buffer more easily and the pH remains more stable...same goes with temp. Small tanks can fluctuate really easily and really fast.


New Member
I heard the same with the thing about the size of the tank, to go as big as you can afford or keep, but be it that I don't want to start a 46g that I have laying around to just have to tear the whole thing down when I move.
I just thought I could learn a thing or two about the hobby on the 10g, then use it as a frag/holding tank once I get the 46 setup at my new place. I only considered this setup because I have an extra aquaclear laying around I could put to use.


Active Member
the fuge will be just fine. I dont even run a fuge on my 10 gallon. will be creating a new set up though


New Member
Per everyone's advice I am looking into getting my hands on a 20g, as well as some type of lighting. I'm having a tough time with researching not only lighting types for different corals, but also the lighting fixtures themselves for a 20g (rectangular tank). Anyone have any recommendations on spectrums, halides, actinic? Total noob with lighting.

aquapod 24

just get an all in one setup like an aquapod or a nanocube. they come with a hood with pc lights which would be ok for soft coral and lps coral. they also come with a pump and a back chamber to put all your filtration equipment and heater in


Id also like to know about lighting for something of this size. Would a simple two bulb fixture work for softies and lps? One 10K bulb and one 420/460nm actinic?


I was wondering what was possible to keep with the:
Current USA 30" Nova Extreme T5HO
1X24W 10K + 1X 24W 460nm
Seems like a pretty minimal fixture, FOWLR only, maybe?