5.5 gallon pico journal!!!


Active Member
I paid $18 for my boxer (pom pom)
, although, my LFS is kind of expensive..
I really want to move my boxer over to my 10 gallon, but am afraid that it would kill my sexy shrimp?
I haven't seen anywhere that they would.. but I know that mine is a nassarius snail killer!


The pom pom/boxer crab kills the nassarius snails? because i would have it with nassarius and sexy shrimp. I guess im not going to get it though if it would kill everyone.


Active Member
I saw it 'attack' a nassarius snail when food was around..
I have never actually SEEN it kill one, but I have seen more and more empty nass. shells laying around..
That is why I am afraid to put it in with sexy shrimp..
I could be totally wrong, though..


decided against the pom pom crab, dont want to risk it killing the shrimp (their not cheap) and the small anenomes would sting the zoos and rics. I know the damage would be minimal, but their all going to be small frags, so minimal would be alot to a 5 polyp frag.........


I added a baby clown goby a few days ago, got him for free

Added a small piece of LR and a few frags. ENJOY



Theres 6 zoo frags, i will get good pics when they open, and 4 beautiful rics from flricordea!!! I just put them into this tank, so their a little closed from being touched.
Isnt the goby CUTE
He is only .5 inches long, and just casually swims around, checking stuff out! I watched the goby tank at the LFS, and he was the most active, and looked the healthiest. they had a pretty citron clown, but he didnt look too good.
1 hermit, 2 nassarius snails, a little hitchhiker snail, 2 baby serpent stars.
I am so glad i looked at the nanos on here and talked myself into setting it up!! i love it. i cant wait to get some sexy shrimp


Originally Posted by ClownFiSH11
this is gonna turn out to be a sweet little tank,.,.
Thanks, im really excited about it!! All i need to do is setup the little refugium, and put in a few more small rocks. Its alot of fun to look at, im going to try and get lots of tiny hitch hikers.
Originally Posted by rebelprettyboy

Its lookin good. Keep it up!
Thanks, i will!!! I will get some more pics when everything is open up.


Well i have a very sad update..........My sister in law came over and turned off the switch that runs my lights, filter and heater. So the filter turned off, and the filter guard covering the intake came off. So while i was at work my adorable new goby got sucked into the filter. I came home from work looking for him and couldnt find him. I saw the filter, freaked out, and took it apart..........He was inside the tubing ripped in half...............
I am so upset.
So i did a water change, it was only dead for about an hour, but i wanted to be safe. And i will do another waterchange in the morning. I will be mourning for the next few days...


That is so sad!
Small side note, I have a 12g nano with baby bangaii, a sexy shrimp, a pompom crab, and nassarius snails. The pompom has yet to harm anything. He is awesome.


Active Member
man thats terrible to find your fish like that...i just found my firefish who decided to jump...
Could you have 2 clown gobies in a 5.5gallon?


Active Member
Sorry about the fish. Maybe a good time now to just work on getting more LR, corals and age on the tank before another fish.


I think that i am going to wait a little on the fish. Im going to get a little more LR and get the perfect little clean up crew, then later add a small fish.
It was very sad..............I got pretty upset about it. I just wish i would have been home when it happened, i could have put the cap back on it. I am going to glue it on, rather than let the suction keep it on. That way no worries, it could have easily been a sexy shrimp, or a frag.


I have decided to break down this tank, ever since the goby had his tragic death, i have slightly lost interest in having such a small tank. And i am constantly worried that there will be a spike and i will lose all my beautiful coral.
Thanks for the interest, but not for me.

vinny 10

New Member
i have a 10 gallon salt water, i saw ur pic of the 2 florescent lights u have what kind are they and where can i find them.


i can not personal message you. but the lights are both 13 watt compact flourescent bulbs, they have 2 small bubls in them, and actinic, and a white bulb.
I do not want to name the site i got them from out of respect for SWF.com, and i apologize, but i do not know the brand name of them. im sure a quick google search could locate something similar though. or just go to a site and scroll through their compact flourescent lighting, or nano tank lighting.