5.5 month 46g bowfront reef pics.


Some shots of my 46g bowfront and individual pics of the items inside. Enjoy everyone

And yes I LOVE brain corals, and by far my favorite.... my wife doesn't agree :cheer:


Originally Posted by ynotminot
wow..those are great pix..what do you put your settings on your camera?
for full shots i mess with the underwater setting on my camera(canon sd300)...for the close ups I use the digital macro setting and mess with the white balance a little.
Originally Posted by tangs123

wow is that the hammer's stinger tentacle?
Yes it is and for the first time reached over to my alveapora and started stinging the $hite out of it..the alvea was shrinking down fast and thankfully being in the room saw it happening..not fun! got a feeder stick and smacked it away and had to relocate the hammer.