5.5 nano...lots of pics


Here's my 5.5 US gallon. It's almost 3 months old now.

Lighting is 36w cp fluorescent
stocking is:
1xgreen clown goby
1xemerald crab
1xred leg hermit

2xastrea snails
1xfeather duster
10xstriped mushrooms, don't remember the scientific name off top of my head but their aggressive

1xpolka dotted mushroom, gota find the name for that

1xunknown hitchhiker, possible tube anenome
1xhitchiker polyp

5xunknown polyps, just bought yesterday

that's all the pics for now, still need to upload the rest.


Thanks, don't have too many corals yet since I'm still waiting to get test kits for them, just a few basic ones until then.


Active Member
Nice tank looks awesome.
Careful with those anenomies they are not friendly in small tanks. And they multiply like crazy...


Originally Posted by PerfectDark
Nice tank looks awesome.
Careful with those anenomies they are not friendly in small tanks. And they multiply like crazy...
Which ones, the mushrooms?
aquaguy you should, there a lot of fun, thanks.


Active Member
atmachine5, you have a full tank shot? I want to see how your lights sit on top of your tank...trying to get some ideas.....


Active Member
Originally Posted by atmachine5
Which ones, the mushrooms?
aquaguy you should, there a lot of fun, thanks.

Well I dont know the name of them, to me they look like polyups but have more of an anenomie looking tenticle. I see them alot in the coral tanks at my LFS and everyone tells me they are bad news not nice, they dont play well with others..


Originally Posted by maelv
atmachine5, you have a full tank shot? I want to see how your lights sit on top of your tank...trying to get some ideas.....
Ya I'll go take one
Perfect dark are they the second and last pic, the larger ones? I know the one type of mushroom I have can be aggressive but I didn't know this about the polyps?


Active Member
Originally Posted by atmachine5
Ya I'll go take one
Perfect dark are they the second and last pic, the larger ones? I know the one type of mushroom I have can be aggressive but I didn't know this about the polyps?

Hmm it appears that i am mistaken the anenomie is called, aiptasia. Although at first glance they had a similar look to your polyups they are indeed different. I just looked them up those are the ones to watch out for. my bad.


Thanks for the concern, I have two apstasia now that I need to get rid of, just a pest nothing really wrong though. I'll get rid of them eventually, they don't spread fast in my tank thankfully.


thanks, one thing if you get the light I have or similar, it's a 12" twin tube by coralife don't get the plus mounting legs, just get the standard, the plus are a little large.

mpls man

Active Member
imo, i would take the glass off for evaporation, and heat ?
your tank will get more oxygen in the water with the glass off.


Originally Posted by atmachine5

Anything else just ask

Atmachine5....nice set up. That looks like a Corallife 50/50 pc. I have pretty much the same tank and lighting. It has been up and running for about 2 wks though. do you have heat issues with your tank using that light? Mine is consistantly at about 88-90 degrees, and I don't want to start stocking it until I can bring the temp down to a good level.


New Member
How did you get so much coralline algae on your live rocks????? Do you use any type of supplement to grow them?