5 Damsels - 10 gallons - Will they survive?!?


I recently had to move my 5 damsels to my quarentine tank. It is 10 gallons. The fish are 3 yellow tails, 1 three stripe, 1 velvet damsel. They never fought in the previous tank but are not becoming much more nippy and its only been minutes . How long can I keep them in this tank for (healthy). Are there any things I can do to limit fighting/stress? Should I put a rock in too add shelter/hiding spot? Thanks
-adam :eek:
I'm sure you already know that damsels are REALLY aggressive fish which is hard to keep them together in a small tank for a certain amount of time. I myself wouldn't feel comftorable leaving 5 damsels together in that small of a tank, but I know under the health circumstances you kind of have too. What I suggest you do is, put one or two rocks in their to divide up space. This way there are a few places where the fish can hide and call their own territory. I would also keep a close eye on the little guys. If they start to get too aggressive (looking like the bigger one is trying to kill the smaller one) then I would get another hospital tank and split half the fish in one tank and the other half in the other tank. I know you are probably wondering about cost...but Petsmart and Pet supermarket are always selling 10 gallons for really cheap. Good luck and I hope this helps!! :)


i actually bought a 10 gallon with a filter and heater and net and everything for $10. i think they had it mispriced cause when i went back it was like $20. but i got mine for 10 and 20 isnt too bad either. so just look around a little. 5 damsels in 10 gallon is more corwded than our prison system. which is comparable cause damsels are as aggressive as convicts. so you might wanna look at getting another small tank or something.


New Member
You didn't say what damsels or what size they are but I would definitely break-up the layout pattern in the tank. You want lots of rocks with plenty of space in and between them to let the fish keep moving and not see each other as well as have plenty of places to run to when they get chased.
Otherwise, you shouldn't have any problem with that size tank in terms of capacity. They're tough fish and won't be too bothered I'm sure. Just be sure to give them plenty of escape routes when they start butting heads.