5 gal anyone?


Active Member
Does anyone have a 5 gal in saltwater going? If so can you post some pictures of it.


Active Member
No, it is not big enough for fish but inverts (crabs and snails) and of course there are the corals. I guess I should have been more clear...


Active Member
Ohh, I get it.
I was like, 'Have I been lied to?!'
That's really cool, what companies make a good 5 gallon? I know of Eclipse but I hear they're not good...

tx reef

Active Member
Eclipse systems really suck. It would be easier to get a regular 5 gallon tank and buy the accessories.
As far as fish go, a small goby would be fine in a 5 gallon.


I have a rena 5 hex running with a tubeworb min cleaner crew and a firefish quite stable. (had 3 juveniles at one time was hoping for a paiing to no avail *SIGH*) though i did modify the filter with a coarse pond sponge on the intake.


I haaate to differ weith y'all but I have been running 2 gal or less PICO tanks for over 2 years now and each has at least one fish in it as well as all have inverts, and they do just fine. So yes yu can keep a fish and sometimes even two in a 5 gal or even smaller tank contrary to what folks may say. Old school, old info......it can be done so don;t get trapped in the old school routine.
There is lots of suitable fish out there that make fine candidates for a small tank as such. Last count..10 tanks of 2 gal or less with 8 of then over two years of age doing just fine with happy campers inhabiting them.


Active Member
Originally Posted by GSD
I haaate to differ weith y'all but I have been running 2 gal or less PICO tanks for over 2 years now and each has at least one fish in it as well as all have inverts, and they do just fine. So yes yu can keep a fish and sometimes even two in a 5 gal or even smaller tank contrary to what folks may say. Old school, old info......it can be done so don;t get trapped in the old school routine.
There is lots of suitable fish out there that make fine candidates for a small tank as such. Last count..10 tanks of 2 gal or less with 8 of then over two years of age doing just fine with happy campers inhabiting them.

What kind of fish do you have in those tanks?


Originally Posted by Debbie
Does anyone have a 5 gal in saltwater going? If so can you post some pictures of it.

I do let me post some it is a semi reef.


Clown Gobys work fine, as does rainford goby, lots of varous blennys, especially the yasha hasha goby and shrimp pair. Yellow, black, green, citron clown gobies and watchman are good as is neon types. I tend to stick with pepermint or sexy shrimp, astrea snails, or cerith snails, and blue leg hermits and a nassarius snail or so. I try and add serpent brittle stars or even asterina stars. I have a skunk clown in one of them for over two years now. Its obsessed with a frilly mushroom which it calls home. The skunk clown is still no more than perhaps 1.5 inches in length......which is what the skunk clown in a larger tank is, so its not a bad fish for a small tank either.


Active Member
I just set up the 5gal eclipse and after 10 min i got electricuted because the filter was sending out voltage so i tossed that. The light is only 10 watt so I have the hood off and am running a 20 watt pc. Its a nice tank though. The accessories just suck. I will take pics once it settles. And yeah there are plenty of fish that could go in a 5. I wouldnt do more than one maybe two depending on which. I dont think I would put any in a 2g though. Im thinking of a shrimpgoby/pistol pair for mine with 3 scarlets 2 peppermints a blood shrimp and corals once i get a better light.


yeah we had a gallon tank and put a shrimp in ther and it worked great with some live rock and live sand. i wouldn't put anything else though.


Active Member
I have a "holding tank" for my crabs and snails, which I rotate out of my two display tanks......it's horrible! The top off levels, the temp swings, the Alk swings......test your 5g on a regular basis and you'll see the same things.


Originally Posted by GSD
Clown Gobys work fine, as does rainford goby, lots of varous blennys, especially the yasha hasha goby and shrimp pair. Yellow, black, green, citron clown gobies and watchman are good as is neon types. I tend to stick with pepermint or sexy shrimp, astrea snails, or cerith snails, and blue leg hermits and a nassarius snail or so. I try and add serpent brittle stars or even asterina stars. I have a skunk clown in one of them for over two years now. Its obsessed with a frilly mushroom which it calls home. The skunk clown is still no more than perhaps 1.5 inches in length......which is what the skunk clown in a larger tank is, so its not a bad fish for a small tank either.
i would not get a goby IMO. i have never heard of one living past 2 months let alone in a 5 gal!


Originally Posted by bigpete
i would not get a goby IMO. i have never heard of one living past 2 months let alone in a 5 gal!
I've had a firefish goby in this 5 gal for *trys to think how many months* 5 or 6 had 3 at one time (was aiming for a pairing sadly to no avail removed others).


im not talking about firefish. i guess i should have been more specific in my post. clown or citris gobies rarely live long in captivity. ive found them to be extremely picky when it comes to eating. ive even taken a stab at the firefish and i have failed to get them to feed either. i just feel that they are great to look at but a difficult species to keep.