Yes the suncoral is the yellow one, I don't know if its classified as yellow or orange. When the heads are not open the coral is orange at the base, maybe someone can identify it for me for sure.
Yes that is all I have in the tank is the cleaner shrimp, pom pom crab, snails, hermit crab.
I would maybe like to try a clown goby again sometime but in the past they just don't live very long and I have lost 2 green ones. So a bit leary about trying them again.
The tank I think is just to small for a fish like a per clown or anything like that. I would get
if I put any fish in it I think.
My neighbour has some waving hand (anthia) coral they would like to give me. But in the past any type of xenia family has not done well for me but that was in my 10 gal so maybe it might do well in this one. Not sure though.
Its a cute tank, the shrimp is fun to feed and watch. I don't know if I can put anothe shrimp in there or not either, might be to small.