5 Gal, What should I do, any suggestions?



I have a 5 gal tank, with filter. heater, and light just sitting around so i thought i might turn it into a saltwater tank, just for fun, I have put the salt water in it and the sand (not live) What does anyone think i should put in it??
I want all suggestions! What should I do with this? Open to all ideas


Active Member
Rock and totally Florida rics. and yumas. No other coral just those in a myriad of color. Low lighting requirement. Water does not have to be pristine. And they look beautiful.

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by LedZep
Do you think 1 clown and a small BTA would work with him?
I think a 5 gall tank is too small for any kind of clown and you will need strong lights and the BTA will take up 99% of the room in the tank, so there will be no more room for corals.


Active Member
Originally Posted by spanko
Rock and totally Florida rics. and yumas. No other coral just those in a myriad of color. Low lighting requirement. Water does not have to be pristine. And they look beautiful.
My vote for the above plus a group of sexy shrimp.


mantis shrimp. very cool, interesting to watch, exhibit many neat behaviors, smash or

the crap out of prey (if your not into feeding live food they will accept other foods, but its good for em to hunt down their own prey every now and then). very very cool animals