5 gallon nano



well that didn't take as long as i would have liked .... *hmmmpfff*
from ***********.com
Minimum Tank Size: 10 gallon
Care Level: Easy
Tank Conditions: 72-78°F; sg 1.020-1.025; pH 8.1-8.4; dKH 8-12
Max. Size In Aquarium: Up to 3"
Color Form: Maroon, Purple, White, Yellow
Temperament: Peaceful
Reef Compatible: Yes
Diet: Carnivore
Compatibility: View Chart
Origin: Maldives
Family: Gobiidae


oh, i've already done searches like that. i just want to know what other hobbyists think, since alot of sites don't agree or aren't accurate. and if there are more naysayers (or people who ignore the topic) than there are people that vote yes, i'll just forego it. i'm not into torture.


you know i would say that it would be 100% okay to have it in there.... they dont need pods or anything you cant provide it in a smaller tank compared to a larger
they wont require a lot of swiming room not growing larger than 3"
which is a main prob. with nanos
also as long as you keep up on the upkeep of the tank... there is no reason as to why it would work ... what reason do the naysayers say that it's not a good idea?


some people just say they don't like them. :roll: others say they hide too much, others say they jump (which i already know and was planning for) and others are just of the theory that nothing besides maybe a clownfish or clown goby should be in a small tank, or no fish at all.



jumpers= easy fix
hiding=thats fine
and i would think they would be better for a small tank since they would spend most there time hiding and not swimming around.


ok. so i'm 90% certain of the firefish. now, someone suggested i add another small goby for the bottom, as emerald crabs tend to hide, so i'm considering maybe MAYBE adding a rainford's goby (keep in mind that i haven't set up this tank yet, this is all still hypothetical and i'm not putting fish in this tank until i'm given a go ahead by however many people i feel is enough to ensure that there won't be an instant homicide either by me or tankmates). i've read different things about how to keep this fish. some people say they require a lot of live rock to graze from, others say they are easy to feed, they just scavenge things off the bottom, etc, etc. so i want to know if anybody has any experience with them, and if you think they'd be an ok addition to the tank or not.
so far, the plan is:
1 firefish
1 rainford's goby (MAYBE)
1 emerald crab
10 or 15 snails (nassarius and maybe one other type)
some polyps and/or mushrooms.
i don't particularly like shrimp, so i doubt i'll add any unless you feel they are a VITAL part of a tank
and no hermit crabs to prevent my emerald crab from getting homicidal.


you can have another emerald ... i dont think that would be a problem.. if you want


are you confident in that? because i understand they can be very aggressive with other crabs.... i don't mind regular maintenance, but it always makes me sad to see a pet die. :(


i had two for about 4 or 5 months till i moved my rock around and one disappeared :( i think i buried it alive
they intereacted fine.. always had there little spots where they would hang out


back to the top one last time before i set up this tank....
ANYBODY have ANY experience with rainsford's gobies????


i have a firefish in my 38gl and he is doing just fine in there and doesnt really take advantage of the room he has now so i would say that in a 10gl a firefish would be quite comfortable. They are beautiful fish and they arent the most active swimmers.
good luck