5 Gallon Setup, NEED HELP BAD!!!


New Member
Hey guys, just joined the board today and i'm a super newbie. Ive been reading some threads and I am still new to pretty much everything. My goal right now is to make a nice 5 gallon setup to put on my desk. Wondering What type of aquarium, filter, heater, sand, rocks, fish I can use in what order?.. just need lots of info, I'm still searching but a detailed answer for my specific goal would be great, thanks in advance.:happy:


Active Member
Do a search for nano and then read, read, read and ask questions in this forum, specifically for these small "nano" tanks :)


Nano means super small (i.e.) "nano" second. Nanos are very difficult to keep because it is harder to keep a smaller tank stable example: temperature, ph, salinity, ammonia, nitrate, I could go on and on. In my opinion, nanos should not be tried unless you are somewhat advanced. I would do some research and get opinion of people who know the hobby. And stay away from your LFS about this. All s/he will try to do is sell you a couple of hundred dollars of stuff that you need for a nano.


Active Member
I would definitely agree that these tanks are harder to keep than larger one's...prone to significant and major changes in water chems in a short amount of time. Generally it is better to have experience keeping other, larger saltwater tanks before trying to start a nano.


Active Member
I agree too- 8 ounces of water will change my salinity quite a bit.
Great to have but they do require close monitoring.