5 or 10



hey everyone i was wondering if i could put some clowns in a small tank like 5 to 10 gallons do u think after a long period of time they would start to spawn and have babies or do they need to be in a bigger tank let me know thanks :thinking:


Active Member
5 gallon is too small.
A 10 gallon would work if the ONLY fish you had in there was a pair of percula or false percs. Even that is getting small. 10 gallon marine tanks are tough to maintain as the wastes build up quickly and the water parameters are tough to maintain. You would be better off with a 20-gallon setup. It would be less maintenance and a more stable environment in the long run.
Pick up the book "clownfishes" by Joyce Wilkerson. It goes step by step on raising and breeding clowns. It is not as easy as it seems and there is a lot of equipment that you need (not expensive, but lots of it) to care for the young fry.


Active Member

Originally posted by asdf
clown fish shoul be kept in a 30g or more.

Yes, but I have breeding pairs in 20's that are doing just fine (but also have sumps to help with water parameters).
You can keep a single pair of small-breed clowns (percs) in a 20 with enough LR and sand with success. Takes work, but can be done fairly easily.


also do u need an anenome if they will mate because i have heard alot of different stories and what size should an anenome be in??


Actually from what I have seen on this site most people prefer to go without an anemone. But I am kind of new to this as well.


Active Member

Originally posted by HoRaCe
also do u need an anenome if they will mate because i have heard alot of different stories and what size should an anenome be in??

No you do not need an anemone