5 Pipefish


I caught about 5 pipefish yesterday and am curious about what they eat, what kind of tank and how hard they are to care for?


Active Member
caught them? how? where?
might you be confusing them for something else?
similar looking fish are trumpet fish and needle fish and they are both very different.


they are about three inches long and as skinny as a twig. I catch them in my cast net off a near by reef. Which brings me to my next question, can they be kept with other fish i catch. I get gobies, puffers, wrasse, filefish. Any help on this species would be great.


Active Member
i have never tried to keep them but i have only seen them in species tanks either by themselves or with seahorses. most likely because they are very slow eaters and will be easily outcompeted for food by wrasses and puffers etc.
filefish are iffy too, most people dont do well with them.
where are you catching stuff? what reef system?


Active Member
Generally, pipefish are kept with seahorses and such because in a confined space, they will be outcompeted for food due to their slow speed. I wouldn't suggest it. Born in the ocean should stay in the oceam.


saltn00b, i catch them on the flats rather than a reef, i only refer to it as a reef cause there is coral, sponges and many inverts and fish. I fish in Pinellas.
Its amazing what we catch, sea stars, crabs, shrimp, fish.
I guess the whole pipefish idea is out, i dont want to work that hard for a single species. I think seahorses only eat pods or something and im not willing to harvest that many pods on a daily basis.
and as far as the whats from the ocean should stay there,
I do respect your statement and agree, but all fish come from the ocean.


Active Member
Gosh you got me there...aahh ha...good ol reef book

Minimum Tank Size: 50 gallons
Care Level: Easy
Tank Conditions: 72-78°F; sg 1.020-1.025; pH 8.1-8.4; dKH 8-12
Max. Size In Aquarium: Up to 5"
Color Form: Orange, Silver, Yellow, Black, Brown
Temperament: Peaceful
Reef Compatible: No
Diet: Omnivore
Compatibility: View Chart
Origin: Hawaii
Family: Monacanthidae
The Fantail Orange Filefish, also known as the Hawaiian Filefish, Fantail Filefish, or Fantail Orange Filefish Hawaii, is brown and silver with an orange, black, and yellow tail fin.
It is rarely aggressive toward other fish except those of its own genus, and is best suited for a 50 gallon or larger aquarium that does not have invertebrates.
The diet should include a variety of shaved shrimp, squid, scallop, mysis shrimp, freeze-dried krill soaked in a vitamin supplement, and frozen marine algae. It should be fed no fewer than three times per day.


Active Member
Not sure. I have tried much fish wise in the sw hobby. Mainly corals, inverts, and seahorses.