500 gal stocking


me and my dad are building a 300-700 gallon aquarium....anyone have any ideas for stocking for a 500 (500 because its in the middle of 300-700)...i want it to be an agressive tank.


Active Member
I think you should get a sea serpant. the hard part is finding pirates and sailors to feed it


srry for all the stocking stuff i chnage my mind easily but hopefully i can keep this one...this is the best idea yet that i had because i get to built it with my dad (son and dad project) and i get to get the exact measurement of the space its goin to take. Its also the biggest tank i asked for a stockiong list...hopefully i keep this one....im addicted to saltwaterfish
for the tank im lookin at eels, triggers, tangs, puffers, groupers, sharks, lions, rays, wrassesand parrotfish


Active Member
That would be awesome! Please follow through with this-if you do, it will be awesome! Where is the money for this coming from?


i heard its less money than getting one... its probably most from my money but some from my dads (unless i get all money i need)
also to prevent from stocking lists anymore...what is a good rule for stocking (for fish and eels-i heard eels are different)


how about
3-4 eels (which ones would be good?)
1 grouper (probably panther)
1-2 sharks (what sharks would fit?)
1-2 rays (what rays are good)
1 puffer(what specie would you reccommend..thinkin about dogface, porcupine or stars
and stripes...)
1-2 wrasses (harlequin or/and lunear...what would you pick?)
1-5 tangs (probably want a group...what are some good group species and what dont do
well with groups?)
1-2 triggers (blue throat or niger..which one?)
1 angel (imperator or french....other nice angels are ok)
1-3 lionfish (russels, voiltian, radiata or antennata...what is the best one?)
Tell me if there is something wrong with it?
is it overstocked?

soo high

i dont think u need to worry about stocking the tank if u dont have one yet so just worry about building the tank for now
I do not know how much experience you have, but, my advise would be as follows:
1) try to narrow your choices before asking for advise on a million different setups. It's hard to take you seriously (no offense)

2) If, as appears likely, you don't have much experience, then you might want to stick to something a little smaller, maybe 90-120 gallons. That's an awful lot of tank and money to learn on.
3) Also, if experience is lacking, I'd avoid sharks and rays. They aren't that easy to keep.
4) as to your list, I'd ditch the sharks and rays until you have a lot more experience. I think panther groupers are big and ugly. Tangs, angels, wrasses, puffers, some triggers (niger, bluethroat) make a nice combination. How many of each will depend on your tank size.